When Fu Shenyan saw that I stopped pestering him, he relaxed, picked up the teapot to pour water for himself, glanced at the file bag in my hand, and cut in, "what is it?"

Shen Yu explained to me first, "the historical legacy of investigating Lu Xinran's accidental pregnancy."

At that time, I just pulled out the documents. Fu Shenyan listened to Shen Yu's words and hardly hesitated. He threw the cup on the table and reached out to grab the documents in my hand.

I subconsciously kept the document, and they worked hard at the same time. The document was instantly divided into two, and the paper bag outside cracked along the sideline.

Suddenly I realized that I was very close to the truth. In order to prevent Fu Shenyan from destroying the body, I got up directly, hid behind Shen Yu and quickly picked up the remaining half of the documents in my hand for reference.

"Xiao Shu." Fu Shenyan's voice was very thick, almost warning.

However, Shen Yu always stood on the same front with me and easily stopped him. "Hey, what can't you say well? A document is so excited. In the future, Xiao Shu is making some excessive demands. Don't you want domestic violence?"

Fu Shenyan directly ignored his words and tried to force him away and rob the documents.

Shen Yu thought that two words could scare Fu Shenyan away. Seeing that he was so excited, he was also excited. The two pushed and pushed for a time, and the flames of anger ran in their eyes.

Just this little time is enough for me to capture the most critical information in the file.

"The direct instigator of the case: Luo Xiangrui."

Luo Xiangrui, president Luo, is obviously the same person.

The last thing I wanted to admit was confirmed. I stared at the documents. The whole person was frozen. I didn't know what to do.

Lu Xinran is really my scapegoat.

At that time, Luo Xiangrui hated Fu Shenyan for not talking about human feelings and annexing his family industry. For a moment, he held a grudge and tangled with a group of gangsters, trying to revenge him by humiliating me.

But at that time, my marriage with Fu Shenyan was in jeopardy. There were very few times in the same picture. Outsiders rarely learned that the president's wife was the very unpopular director of the company.

On the contrary, Lu Xinran hurried to paste upside down every day, almost inseparable from Fu Shenyan. The group of gangsters took Lu Xinran as me and took it seriously. Afterwards, they left Lu Xinran naked in the street.

There is no record in the document of how Lu Xinran was rescued. We can put ourselves in the illusion that the scene at that time was clearly the victim, but countless people pointed out and scolded him for being shameless. If it were me, he would have died long ago.

What should I do? The person I have always looked down on the most has protected me from the most shameful misfortune of women.

No wonder Lu Xinran would say that everything I had was stolen.

If I were the one who had an accident in those years, maybe I would go crazy, maybe find a place that no one knows, live in obscurity like an ant, and die when I grow old... In any case, it is impossible to be held in the palm of my hand as a treasure by Fu Shenyan, and my children form a group and become an enviable existence like today.

Fu Shenyan and Shen Yu had a tacit understanding and stopped fighting when they found that my state was wrong.

Shen Yu came over, grabbed my shoulder from the right and patted, "are you okay?"

Behind him came Fu Shenyan's repressed voice, "no one is better."

I seemed to react suddenly. I turned to Fu Shenyan and got a positive answer from his painful eyes.

From beginning to end, he knew everything.

He knew that those people were coming for me and that Lu Xinran was regarded as me.

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