
After four people finished eating, Chen Xing had something to do and left first. Muzi received a phone call and saw that his face was not very good, so he also left.

This words, in addition to Qiao Jinyan, the others also who did not come out.

"Thanks to your sister, juanyu's life and death are unknown. It's true that people come together by category and things come together by group. You can all do harm to people."

I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. I look at the emergency room and say, "is Dr. Cheng seriously injured?"

Fu Shenyan's quick eyes and quick hands grabbed me. "It's OK. Muzi just hurt his head. He's in the dressing room. He'll come out soon!"

At the door of the emergency room, Fu Shenyan and Qiao Jinyan were all there. They trotted all the way. When they saw Fu Shenyan, my leg was so sore that I almost knelt down.

I feel a click, do not hurry to ask more, then rushed to the past.

When Fu Shenyan called, I just came out of the yoga studio, had a bath, changed my clothes, and answered the phone, he said seriously, "come to the city hospital, Muzi and Junyu have an accident!"

It's a strange phone call. I didn't answer it. I just finished the next exercise.

I'm really lazy at ordinary times and seldom exercise. After half an hour's practice, I'm very tired. When I sit down to have a rest, I see my mobile phone thinking all the time.

"You are familiar with Jiangcheng. I want to borrow my car from you. I really have something to do." Handed him the car key, I went out of the cafe and took a taxi to the yoga studio.

He turned his lips and said, "I've come all the way here. You are either here or there. Can't you take me around Jiangcheng?"

Don't bother to pay attention to him, I will drink the juice in the cup, said, "you make some dinner yourself, I'll have something later, I have to go first!"

"These two days! I'll stay and watch you and see how long you can live, so I can prepare for it! "

White he one eye, "when return to m country?"

He pick eyebrow, "hard to say, you can find other men to try, see if you have reaction to other men."

"If one day I don't love him, will this disease be cured?" To put it bluntly, this disease is also caused by Fu Shenyan.

"That's because you hinted in your heart that he would not have any relationship with others. No matter how good you were to her, you believed Fu Shenyan would not touch him. But after you heard those voices, you began to completely affirm that he had touched him. Frankly speaking, your emotional cleanliness did not allow him to do so, so you did not respond to him."

I was embarrassed, but I said, "but I didn't..."

"What are you afraid of? You are the victim. What do you do with so much scruples? Fu Shenyan has the right to know. " His voice was a little high, and he said after a pause, "you have a passion for emotional cleanliness. In your heart, you feel that Fu Shenyan had a relationship with his little lover, so you don't want to do it with him."

I frowned. "I don't want him to know about this!"

After struggling for a long time, Jon said, "it's caused by psychological obstacles, although he is not in shape at ordinary times, but he is very serious in his work! It's not for physiological reasons. It needs you and Fu Shenyan to adjust together. "

It's not easy for me to talk about sex coldness.

I nodded and changed places.

Jon and I were left. He squinted and said, "go to the coffee shop?"

I was not the first day to listen to his words. I simply ignored them. Looking at Fu Shenyan, I said, "what's the matter?"

Holding me on the chair in the corridor, Fu Shenyan comforted me, "Muzi and Junyu quarreled in the car. When they passed the red light, they collided with the truck. Muzi hurt his head. Junyu is still in the emergency room. I don't know what the situation is."

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