Without big questions, Fu Shenyan's eyes have explained everything.

No, the accident is false, but the accidents are all together, blurring my sight, and I can't feel the situation gradually.

From the day of awakening, the only identity confirmation was the ID card with "Shen Shu" written by Gu Han. As for the procedures such as share inheritance mentioned by Ouyang Nuo, there was no formal legal procedure, but a tacit understanding that the wedding was announced to the world and everything had been seated according to the number.

For one thing, all kinds of troubles continue, and we can't afford time. For another, it's not easy for the family to get together. We only care about enjoying our family relationship when we have leisure time. Fu Shenyan and I don't care much about the amount of property. Naturally, we won't take time to make up for it. It was an unintentional move. We didn't expect to bury such a big hidden danger.

Without capital, Fu Shenyan's absurdity is still limited. With Fu's support, if you do those activities, you will be sentenced to at least 20 years.

If it's a stage now, I'm undoubtedly the only clown on the stage.

Of course, what I know better is that if I really jump like a clown at the moment, it is the wish of Murong Jin, the man behind everything.

Ouyang Nuo looked at Murong Jin coldly. I kept telling myself to be calm, close my teeth and don't make any noise.

But all this fell into Murong Jin's eyes and became bright unwilling and resentment. His eyes were full of interest, just like waiting for the opening of his favorite drama and waiting for the plot to develop.

"Ouyang, come here." he called Ouyang Nuo back to him. He acted like a harmless gentleman and raised his lips lightly. "Don't be so hostile to me. I just gave some advice. I didn't expect that big brother did so well. I told you that he has great talent in this regard."

I didn't answer. I calmly looked at Fu Shenyan, hoping to find a trace of his last resort from the eyes that once had infinite tenderness for me.

But what I waited for was a cold, dry explanation.

"Fu was originally the stuff of the Fu family. I have absolute control, but the living expenses of you and your children are still unlimited, and the life of the family will not change in the general direction."

A wave of sadness surged into my heart. I sneered, "home? The head of the family is going to die. Do we still have a home?"

Fu Shenyan lowered his eyes and wrote "disdain" on his world weary face, "I'm far smarter than you think."

He means that he has absolute confidence that he can walk on the edge of the law without sanctions.

Most outlaws think so.

But he is the favored son of heaven and should not be willing to degenerate. Even so, I can't answer. The sense of powerlessness has slowly begun to erode my whole body, and I can't find support.

Lu Xinran succeeded in smiling. He opened his mouth and was about to interrupt. Fu Shenyan took the first step, "send his wife back."

This is to Chen Yi.

Lu Xinran immediately expressed dissatisfaction, "no, he must follow me all the way today."

Fu Shenyan looked at me and looked up, "I'll accompany you."

I probably didn't expect him to take the initiative. Almost everyone was stunned. Lu Xinran took the lead in reacting, shrugged and smiled, "I don't care."

Then he came forward like a show off, grabbed Fu Shenyan's tie, turned to the elevator and pulled it hard, "let's go."

The two men walked in front of each other, one short and one tall, and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

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