With a comforting look in my eyes, I came forward and took the initiative to hold Song Shu. "Men are always too ambitious. Let's keep ourselves waiting. It's selfish. However, everything will be fine. After this period of time, I'll give Chen Yi a long holiday and let him accompany you and his children more."

The palm of my hand patted on her thin back. I don't know whether I'm comforting her or myself.

Song Shu probably didn't expect that a person he met for the first time would make such an intimate move. When he was hugged, his body trembled subconsciously. After confirming that I didn't mean any harm, the whole talent relaxed again.

Hugging is really a magical thing. Smelling the faint smell of shampoo on her body, she was suddenly relieved.

Just about to let go, Song Shu hugged me back and slapped me on the back, "When the business is finished, I know Mrs. Fu is kind-hearted, but there are inevitable difficulties. Chen Yi's responsibility is also his charm. If I love him, I will love him all. Mrs. Fu rest assured that I will not hold you back. Chen Yi said that he will compensate me. Then, I will always believe to wait and take care of the family and myself for him."

With that, they released each other tacitly.

I narrowed my eyes and asked her with a trace of uncertainty, "aren't you worried?"

Song Shu smiled as if I were telling some funny joke and asked, "why worry?"

After a pause, he said, "I know what kind of person Chen Yi is. I believe in him and my own vision. I won't choose the wrong person."

Yes, what are you worried about? What can't be confirmed? Will anyone know more about the people they choose than themselves?

"I really should have come to see you earlier." suddenly the feeling of openness occupied my whole heart, and those vacillations and doubts about Fu Shenyan suddenly disappeared.

Ten years of love is enough to resist the unbearable of human nature. Fu Shenyan and Chen Yi are at the same level of life. They may get rid of it more slowly, but I must let him know that whenever he comes back, I will be there.

"It's neither too early nor too late. Everything is doomed long ago. It's just right." Song Shu's face is soft, as if he can resolve all bad things.

Pursed his lips, nodded, exchanged a few simple greetings, turned and entered the elevator with mofelin.

Song Shu stood at the door and watched until the elevator door closed, and her face disappeared from my sight.

The elevator was descending, and the feeling of weightlessness came faintly. Something in my heart was confirmed.

It was a little late when I got home. In order to spend less time thinking, I made up my mind to go back to sleep. When I passed the corridor, I found that the light in the study was on.

Did Fu Shenyan come back?

With a skeptical attitude, he walked over, opened the door, swept around the house and found that Gu Nanxun was inside.

His small body sat in front of Fu Shenyan's computer desk. I almost didn't find the problem of angle.

Hearing the news, he immediately got down from his chair and stood aside to greet respectfully, "madam."

Chen Yi had previously investigated Ouyang Nuo's private contact with him. Now we are weak. It is indeed the best time to steal information and please each other.

Good birds choose trees to live. It's nothing. Wandering children just want to rely on them for a long time.

"Don't you sleep so late?" I didn't ask his purpose directly. I walked around the computer desk, picked up the documents opened on the desk and looked at them at random.

It is the project record of Fu's in recent years. It is open to the public and can be checked. It is not a secret.

"I'm not sleepy yet," Gu Nanxun said. "If you learn to do business one day earlier, you can help your husband earlier, so that Siji won't be sad about not seeing your husband every day."

This is beyond my expectation. Looking at him again, his face is serious. It really doesn't seem to be empty talk.

A warmth passed through her heart and suddenly smiled. She was happy for my little heart and the four seasons. She picked up a good brother who knew how to think of others for herself.

Good things will really come at the turn. Does this mean that everything about Fu Shenyan will turn around soon?

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