"What are you doing?" Shen Yu's injury has hurt his muscles and bones for a hundred days. He has to stay in the hospital for at least a month to go home for rest. It's too careless to leave now.

"As Mr. Shen ordered, the discharge procedures have been completed." the nurse stopped his movements and replied.

"It's all right. You continue to take your money." Shen Yu confessed and then came over again. He took my shoulder and released his deception skills with a playful smile. "My good sister, you know, brother, I can't stay idle. If I stay any longer, people will be depressed. What's that saying? I'm broad-minded, fat and in a good mood. The injury will get better quickly, so let me go home."

"Hum..." I looked up with a fake smile, and then sank my face, "No."

"The doctor said that the recovery period in the first half of the month is very key, and can we do all kinds of examinations at home?" his right hand was injured for me. Unless the doctor gave a definite determination that he can't be cured, he can only be disabled all the time, otherwise no one can interrupt the treatment process.

"It's a big deal to come back for a follow-up visit on time every day. Anyway, I can't live a day when I sit and wait for the fog at the window when the clouds rise." Shen Yu said foolishly.

"Still can't." I looked at him in embarrassment. I didn't know how hard it was for people who were used to freedom to suddenly have to stay in the boring ward, but there was no way. I owed Shen Yu too much. Even if there was only one hope, I would try hard until Shen Yu's hand recovered.

"Why don't you stay at home for a day and stay in the hospital for a day?" Shen Yu saw that I didn't let go, frowned and looked at me plaintively, pestered for a while, trying to ease the atmosphere.

But I still hung my face, indicating that it was not negotiable. "Don't I know you? Once you leave here, ten cows can't come back. Stay through this half month first, or don't even think about it."

As soon as Shen Yu saw that there was no play, he spread himself directly on the sofa, crossed his legs and began to make a mess, "then I can only go out when I want to go out and come back when I want to come back."

I intertwined my hands on my chest and was completely free from threats. "You'd better not do this, or I don't mind watching with my sister-in-law on a 24-hour shift. If you don't feel bad, you'll be fooled by your temper."

Shen Yu's face changed again and again. It was ugly and said, "you are so horizontal to me. You have the ability to control Fu Shenyan?"

Referring to Fu Shenyan, I subconsciously frowned. After thinking for a moment, I said in a trance, "I'll control him. I've been controlling him all the time."

I know that Fu Shenyan's heart has not changed, but he can't explain it for the time being.

Shen Yu thought it stimulated me, so he cleared his throat and changed his way, "Cough, I don't mean to blame you. I just hope you can consider the problem from my point of view. You can't let Fu Shenyan go. I can't always ask sang Yun to support such a large company alone. Besides, now her family... I'm a man, Xiao Shu. You're my family, and sang Yun is also. I can't favor one over the other. I'll never turn back on you and pretend to be stupid to her Take it for granted to enjoy the efforts of others, but be a shrinking turtle when she needs me most? "

"Why, something happened to Sang Yun's family?" I guessed something vaguely, but I expected it to be less bad than I thought.

However, Shen Yu nodded his head heavily, "someone deliberately manipulated the stock market behind his back, and all the assets of the Sang family were locked up."

"Is it... Murong Jin?" Shen Yu's expression confirmed my guess. His teeth trembled, which completely exceeded my expectation.

How could it be? I have clearly shown that I don't care about all this, but Murong Jin still wants to destroy it.

Or was he not deceived by me at all and saw through my provocation.

I seem to step into the air and fall into an endless abyss. Why, why can't I guess this person's next step forever?

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