Zhian had been persuaded by me. After listening to his words, his small face wrinkled slightly, showing a look of worry.

"Zhian, look at mom." I quickly patted him on the face again, making him focus on me. "Mom said she would come back, she would. Do you believe mom?"

Zhian tangled for a while. He probably knew he couldn't keep me. Finally, he nodded reluctantly, "HMM."

In order to reassure me, he smiled and said, "Mommy, go early and return early. It doesn't matter if it's over. I'll coax my sister."

"Thank you, baby." touched and kissed his forehead. I was still cruel and trotted out.

Murong Jin's ideas are changing rapidly. He must implement things before he changes his mind.

When he got on the bus, Murong was operating wechat with his mobile phone. Seeing me coming, he quietly put it back into the inner pocket of his suit.

"The child's protection is too good, not necessarily a good thing." Murong sincerely looked at the front and said expressionless.

According to him, children should be nurtured by intrigues and tricks from an early age, and then engrave the cold-blooded life of the Murong family and become a threat to social stability.

This reminds me of the scene of seeing Fu Shenyan's biological father for the first time. I like preaching and stand high.

Excessive self has been integrated into Murong Jin's blood. It's not a moment to change this deep-rooted distortion. I can only follow his words for the time being and say unconvinced, "if you continue to treat everything I do with this condescending attitude, you can never really love someone."

"Children's education is nothing to do with love." Murong said casually.

"Of course it's relevant!" I turned my face and looked at him stubbornly. "You chose to love a woman with children. I'm such an ordinary woman. This is a fact that can't be changed. Love is equal. If you want to start with me, please come down from your self righteous altar and learn to be an ordinary person!"

"Of course, you choose to start the game. If you want to add a 'final interpretation right' to belong to you and veto my proposal, I can't help it. I'll wipe my neck and die."

With that, I turned to look out of the window and refused to communicate any more.

I vaguely felt that Murong Jin stared at me for a long time, but I knew that I would never give in at the moment and didn't look back once.

The car finally stopped at the offshore wharf, turned around and changed the yacht. Two hours later, it arrived at an island in the West.

As soon as I got out of the boat, I held the stone pier of the wharf and couldn't straighten up.

Murong Jin also said sarcastically, "you didn't have the habit of seasickness before. The longer you get, the more delicate you become?"

I endured the nausea in my stomach, stood up straight and glanced at him, "yes, not only my body, but also my temper. You'd better pray that God bless you that you won't fall in love with me, otherwise I will make your life worse than death on that day."

Murong sincerely smelled the speech and immediately collected the faint smile on his face. He said in a calm voice, "I don't believe in God."

Then he left me and took the lead in walking into the nameless island.

Looking at Murong Jin's back, I secretly bit my teeth. Maybe the God in his heart is only himself. It's better as long as he shakes the hard heart and destroys this person.

But this is not enough. Compared with what he has done to the Fu family and us, I need him to repay a hundred times and a thousand times on that day.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddyueshu.com. Vertex novel mobile reading website: m.ddyueshu.com

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