"What about human life? Do you know how many families will be destroyed and how many people will be killed when so much ice flows out?" I asked.

Murong Jin's eyes were cold, stared straight at the front and said painlessly, "everyone has to pay a price for their choice. Everyone is the same. It's just the survival of the fittest."

"But they shouldn't have this option in their lives!" I was so angry that I reasoned with him. After that, I realized that it was in vain and helplessly smiled on my forehead.

"Don't be so Shen Shu, I don't think you are such a fragile person." Murong Jin suddenly made a noise, as if he was deliberately teasing.

Calm down, Shen Shu.

I keep telling myself that only when I am calm can I continue to struggle with this indifferent creature.

I think of Fu Shenyan. Is it because he has been here, so he will make a false decision to surrender.

But what I shouldn't think about is that fate sometimes likes to joke with others. The idea just flashed in my mind and the elevator in the distance opened with a "Ding".

Who is not Fu Shenyan, the pale man who can stand firm only when he is supported by Chen Yi?

He breathed heavily. The position of his left chest was hurt by something. His blood was red. He looked up and hit my line of sight. He stopped for only a second and quickly moved away. His fierce eyes fell on Murong Jin.

Chen Yi was also injured. He only wore a thin shirt with a lot of blood and mud on it. He was much more embarrassed than Fu Shenyan, but his eyes were more cruel than Fu Shenyan. Similarly, his ruthlessness also ran to Murong Jin.

I looked at them. My heart seemed to be rubbed over and over again. I was out of breath in pain. I choked and asked, "what's the matter?"

Fu Shenyan pressed the wound with his hand, strongly held up the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly, "yes, I'm just going to ask, what's going on, my good brother?"

Murong Jin glanced at him lightly, and then was very perfunctory surprised, "ah, is it the big brother that you were found by the cops when you were trading? Why are you so careless?"

Please, brother, can you act a little more like it?

This way of asking knowingly is for fear that others will not see it. Is it you who are behind the scenes?

A cool wind passed through my back. I suddenly remembered the scene of Murong sending a message when I got on the bus at the door.

Now in retrospect, he did everything. It was false to take me to visit, and it was also false to let Fu Shenyan intervene in business. He deliberately wanted to take this opportunity to let me see Fu Shenyan bleed and hurt for his choice.

Everyone has to pay for his choice.

Not only the people on the island, but also me.

I was foolish enough to believe that Murong would abide by the rules of the game, protect my loved ones by gentlemen, or concentrate on conquering the love game. I had no time to take care of Fu Shenyan, but the facts proved that I was too self righteous.

He not only wants to play at will, but also wants to kill Fu Shenyan.

What to do now.

The palm trembled. I didn't have time to think. I rushed over and slapped Murong Jin on the face.

"Pa -"

At this moment, the whole world seemed quiet.

The sharp eyed employees were so surprised that they opened their mouths and almost had a production accident. They finally recovered, but they still couldn't get rid of their shock.

No one expected that their godly Mr. Murong should be treated like this.

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