But his fists were hard to defeat his four hands. After a short time of gaining the upper hand, Fu Shenyan was held down by four muscle men. Coupled with the effect of medicine, he was unable to break free. He could only watch the group of people untie his belt.

may not.

I have only one idea in my mind. I can't let these people succeed.

My brain was running at full speed. I made a crazy decision and shouted to Lu Xinran without hesitation, "You're wrong. It's not Fu Shenyan who wants to design you, but me! Those people found me long ago, and I led them to deal with you! I hate you for taking Fu Shenyan away and deliberately taking away your innocence! You fool, you don't even know who to revenge and don't plan who you design!"

Hearing the speech, Lu Xinran came over fiercely, grabbed my hair and pulled it up desperately, "what are you talking about? You're lying to me. You made up a lie to save Fu Shenyan. How can you be so smart? You won't!"

I endured the pain, still showed contempt in my eyes, and said with a sneer, "Why, you forget how you pretended to be stupid and won Fu Shenyan's sympathy. I just treated him in his own way to let you know your identity. I didn't expect you to rely on Fu Shenyan for this. It really caught me off guard, but fortunately, you finally lost to your own stupidity!"

Lu Xinran grabbed his chest and mouth clothes angrily, raised his hand and fell down again, leaving a clear slap print on my face, "bitch!"

Then he turned around and stopped two of the muscle men. "You two, come here and get her for me until you die!"

The muscle man hesitated. "It's agreed to be a man only. The sentencing will be lighter at that time. Now we have to add a woman. How can we get out..."

Lu Xinran closed his eyes and tried his best to calm his mood. His chest and mouth churned violently and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth, "say a good price, three times."

As soon as they heard it, their eyes lit up, and they jumped at me happily.

As soon as the power over there was dispersed, Fu Shenyan had more opportunities and quickly fought with several people.

But I'm not so lucky. If they can't start with Fu Shenyan, I'm familiar with women.

For a moment, my neck and ears were all occupied by strange breath.

I clenched my teeth, didn't let myself make any embarrassing voice, and kept praying in my heart. God, please, let me win the bet this time.

Such a crazy scene scared Guo Nan before. He hurried to the bathroom, took out his clothes, and ran out while wearing them. "What a special thing, I just want to play with you more. I didn't expect you to change your state."

"It has nothing to do with me. I haven't done anything. Don't drag me in!"

Guo Nan climbed to the door and without hesitation pressed the door handle. The moment the door opened, he was kicked back.

With the movement of his fall, the man who moved to me also stopped the action on his hands and mouth. The next second, Murong Jin in a black coat appeared in front of Guo Nan.

Seeing him, I put my heart down in a moment. Thank God, I bet right. Murong will not watch me have an accident.

Lu Xinran was eager for revenge. He even forgot his fear of Murong Jin. He asked discontentedly, "what are you doing here? Don't you see I'm busy!"

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