Automatically brought into the exaggerated accent reported by the Taiwan media, I burst out laughing and couldn't feel Murong Jin's anger at all. I cleared my throat, collected my smile and deliberately agreed solemnly, "indeed, if I were the boss, I would certainly give a raise to the copywriter who took photos..."

Half way through, Murong Jin grabbed my jaw and almost lifted me in the air.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Murong Jin raised his eyebrows and his eyes were cold. "For Fu Shenyan, you really have to go out, huh?"

It turned out that what he cared about was this. He was very upset to see that I had no bottom line for Fu Shenyan in everyone's eyes.

I grabbed his hand and exchanged it for a chance to breathe. I argued, "did you know me the first day? I can break with a good brother like Shen Yu. What else do you care about?"

Murong Jin's lips rose upward, but his eyes were filled with the indifference and bloody color when he opened the wooden warehouse for Chen er one after another that day. "I just didn't expect you to be so cheap. You know, when you approach Fu Shenyan, you look at his eyes, talk and body movements, everything is like a dog begging for mercy!"

"I'm a dog, so what!" I closed my eyes and growled wildly. Then I opened my eyes, stared at him with angry eyes, grinded my back teeth and said, "even if I'm cheap, it has nothing to do with you. What qualifications do you have to question me? We have nothing to do with it!"

Murong Jin's action was stiff, and his strength in his hand was also loosened for a few minutes. He was stunned for two seconds, then he became angry and tried again, "Shen Shu, don't know what's good or bad!"

"That's it." the smell of fishy and salty spread in my mouth. I tried to bear it. I swallowed my stomach and relieved the dry itching of my throat for a moment. "You're no better."

"Don't compare me with you." Murong Jin's face was getting colder and his eyes were still sharp.

"What's the difference? I chased Fu Shenyan, and you couldn't stop me. I rushed to give it to him for fun. Things are really cheap, but at least I'm honest. You don't even dare to face your heart. You just dare to hide in a shady corner like a smelly mouse and peep at me like peeping at Fu Shenyan's life!" I sneered, Fear has long been forgotten.

No Hunter trembles in front of his prey.

In the relationship, the party who moves first has no other way out except to disarm and surrender.

Murong Jin suddenly threw me back on the sofa, turned his back and didn't face me directly. His back was like a ghost, accompanied by a strong sense of oppression, but he didn't answer. He didn't know what he was thinking.

People live in the world, who will obey whose discipline, but when that exception appears, their relationship is bound to be different.

Murong Jin can bear the word "smelly mouse". It can be seen that Jon's analysis is in place. Subconsciously, Murong Jin puts himself lower than me, or simply connives at me. No matter which kind, it should add another fire at the moment.

I simply collapsed on the sofa, fiddled with my limbs and made various charming and comfortable gestures, and said to myself, "either you will kill me, otherwise, you will have to see a lot of things like this today in the future. I just want you to watch me love Fu Shenyan and love her wholeheartedly. This love could have been divided into you, but you don't, hehe..."

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