"What?" I fell into the doubt again whether it was a dream.

How long ago was the last time Fu Shenyan used this tone to me?

Fu Shenyan took a deep breath and stood up straight, his eyebrows drooping, indifferent and almost inhuman, "last night's mail."

I breathed tight for a moment, looked at him in confusion, and once fell into self doubt.

He should know how much risk I took in order to obtain those materials. Now he came to the door and asked me with a teased sullen temperament, what does it mean?

Can it be said that my trust in him during this period of time is self amorous?

"What mail." Murong Jin suddenly came from the living room, holding a whisky cup in his hand. He drank half of the wine, and his other hand walked around behind him and put it on my shoulder carelessly, "don't you mind if I listen together?"

I know I'm wrong. My heart has been raised to my throat and I can't answer at all.

Fu Shenyan was angry and stabbed, "I don't know what trick you two are playing, and I'm not interested in mixing up. This is the first and last time to test me with false news."

How could it be false news?

I looked at Murong Jin in amazement. The corners of his mouth hung confidently, and his smile was very light but could not hide his madness. Obviously, he was not surprised by this scene.

That is to say, the information I was afraid to steal last night may simply be a smoke bomb released by him. The purpose is to test how much contact I have with Fu Shenyan.

That's a good calculation.

Deliberately exposed the dialogue, pretended to be nervous and robbed the computer. After playing for him for so long, I was calculated in turn.

Still too light on the enemy.

But Fu Shenyan, since he knows that the address is false, he should find a way to inform me. Be careful Murong Jin, how can this attitude be.

It was as if he had determined that Murong Jin and I had united front.

He reminded me many times before. I never believe that he will be induced by Murong Jin's plan.

I closed my lips, tried to keep myself calm and said calmly, "I don't know whether the address is true or false."

"I look like a fool?" Fu Shenyan retorted almost immediately, his voice cold and thin.

Then he looked at Murong Jin next to his eyes, yin and Yang, "this is living together. No wonder Shen Shu changed her mind to fight me so soon."

Murong Jin took advantage of the situation and hugged me again. He shook his hands and shoulders. He didn't want to beat his face. Silence was better than sound.

I quickly broke away, distanced myself from him, and turned my eyes. Then I looked at Fu Shenyan again and said sincerely, "you should believe me. You will, right?"

Murong Jin has seen through my trick of betraying him. There is no need to pretend it. In that case, it's better to show his sincerity frankly and at least get a positive answer from Fu Shenyan.

Fu Shenyan suddenly sneered. A trace of cunning flashed through his eyes, and then asked, "do you want to know my answer?"

I nodded. "You should have given me this answer."

Murong would like to come forward and stand side by side with me. The smile on his face retreated, "I also want to know."

Fu Shenyan smiled, and then suddenly became indifferent. He said boldly, "well, play a game and put out your hand."

I didn't follow his train of thought, "game?"

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