I ran into the room and banged the door. I went to the French window and was furious.

Murong Jin quickly pushed the door in.

Close the door carefully, walk behind me, stay for a moment, wrap your long arms around me and try to hold me in your arms.

I turned straight back and avoided.

Murong Jin's hand hung awkwardly in the air, staring at the thick resentment in my eyes.

After a while, he took back his hand, put it into his pants pocket and sighed, "I don't understand what you're angry about?"

Of course, he would not understand that anyone with principles and bottom line would not be able to act as if nothing had happened after seeing his relatives choose to co-operate with him. Of course, he felt that a word could make the broken relationship as good as before, and accept him as such a devil and a member of the family.

This is not for my good, it is humiliating me, but also humiliating my family.

There is a boundary between hell and the world. He can't take it for granted.

After a long confrontation, Murong was dissatisfied with my silent state, and his publicized eyebrows squeezed into the center of his eyebrows, "a family reunion and reconciliation as before, isn't that what you want?"

What I want is that he has never appeared, that he has completely disappeared from the world!

These Murong Jin never thought of it. In his eyes, he still felt that he could change everything, just as he thought he wanted to compete with Fu Shenyan and me for more than ten years.

I don't speak. Looking at him is like looking at a clown.

Murong Jin breathed again helplessly and asked depressed, "do you still want Fu Shenyan?"

"What do you want from me? I've been in love with this man since I first learned to be emotional. I can't be when he never existed. I need time. I don't even know how long it will take. You said you wanted to help me forget him, but now you take the initiative to mention it again and again. If you mind so much, you don't have to rush to see my face!" I retorted.

Murong Jin suddenly smiled. Although he had no intention to kill, his eyes were deeply desolate and ridiculed. "In addition to Fu Shenyan, there is really nothing that can make you talk to me at length."

He's right. Fu Shenyan is the poison I put in his heart.

The more jealous, the more painful it is.

you deserve it

I looked at his expression indifferently, sipped my lips and had nothing to say.

He deserves it.

"You make me feel that I'm asking for trouble." Murong Jin lowered his head and looked decadent.

The light shone on his face from top to bottom. The shadow covered most of his face, but the eyelashes were particularly clear. They were tall, slightly warped, thick and dense. The Murong family's genes were excellent in the end.

Unfortunately, I can't find any advantages except this skin bag.

Before long, he said to himself, "it's just that I'm willing. No wonder you."

After a pause, he lit up his fighting spirit, looked up at me with compromise and expectation in his eyes, "I didn't do well enough. Maybe I haven't really learned what you say is good for a person. Can you teach me, Shen Shu, how can I enter your heart?"

How humble is the first person, from self deception to denial, from having to be the only special existence to just hoping to be seen more.

The bottom line has become something to break through.

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