When they went downstairs, Shen Yu and they had left.

I simply ate something, took a bath and changed my clothes. Murong Jin personally drove me out.

With my experience in the poor village last time, I didn't expect much from this night trip. It was just a passing scene. He was worried that I would escape, so he took me with him.

But when the car drove into a villa with elegant environment, I knew that I guessed Murong Jin's mind wrong again.

When I got off the bus, I was still confused. Murong Jin came around from the front of the car, naturally put his hand on my shoulder, took me into the antique corridor, walked and said, "let's see my sincerity."

It's endless. I don't know what's going on.

Walking all the way, I found that there were basically no other guests in the villa. Except for occasionally seeing two waiters, there was basically no other person. In the land and money boundary of the capital, I didn't know what to rely on to support my daily expenses.

Murong Jin's box is highly recognizable. With a headset and a walkie talkie, a bodyguard with tendons and flesh is guarding the door. There is monitoring dozens of meters away, and all the trends around can be mastered at any time.

The bodyguards here should be more knowledgeable. Murong Jin took me in without any reaction. He looked straight like a robot.

The decoration of the room is different from that of the outside. Modern furniture, low-key luxury, and an oil painting by an unknown writer is hung on the wall, which seems to be hard added, which is particularly abrupt.

After another door and turning the corner, he officially entered the box.

There was only a long round table in the box, and people were sitting in each position. Several older people seemed impatient and were already putting on their faces. The opposite of them was relatively younger, both men and women. Fu Shenyan was impressively among them.

We are the latest. Murong would like to let me sit down in the main seat, but he stood aside and apologized, "sorry, I'm a little delayed. I'm late."

With that, a waiter took a chair and he sat down next to me.

I subconsciously glanced at Fu Shenyan. He put one hand on the table and the other hand casually on the back of the chair. It seemed careless, but his fingertips beat on the table, revealing his urgency.

Murong Jin also found him and said in a bad tone, "who let you sit here?"

One of the elders, with an inch of head and white hair, spoke before Fu Shenyan, "recently you are often absent. Xiao Fu handled many things properly. We old men decided to let him take the place of Liyang temporarily."

"Who said no," the bald old man answered in a strange way, "Fu Shenyan's ability is obvious to all. Moreover, if someone hadn't secretly reported to the police last time, Liyang wouldn't have died at a young age. A pile of mess was left there. It all depends on Fu Shenyan's words to get back to his blood so quickly. Since you don't want to take care of these small things, ah Jin, you can rest assured to give it to Xiao Fu."

"Report to the police. Fang" probably said that Fu Shenyan was injured in the transaction last time. It seems that these are the people who work together with Murong Jin to sell "goods".

I thought Fu Shenyan was just ambushed. Unexpectedly, he was killed. It can be seen that the degree of danger is 100 times higher than I thought.

However, looking at the current situation, Fu Shenyan seems to have won a lot of support in the group by selling his brother Murong Jin.

It's a blessing in disguise.

Murong Jin smiled lightly and asked the two condescending elders, "what do you want to say?"

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