"That's an accident, but it's only one in ten million. It's because you always don't abide by the rules and order. Only by doing things according to your own ideas can those accidents happen. You are one of the culprits. I don't understand how you can say so justifiably!"

"Shen Shu!"

Each other's roars suddenly stopped, and I was red in the face.

Look, a stubborn man, preaching is casting pearls before swine.

For a time, our breath was a little unstable. We faced each other fiercely and became enemies.

"Bang -"

A huge noise rose in the sky. I subconsciously turned around. The brilliant fireworks exploded at the highest place and turned into a colorful flower. After a short freeze in the air, they disappeared again.

Then came the next one, many flowers, one after another. The sky curtain became the stage of fireworks, without stopping.

This makes me ring out the atmosphere of celebrating the new year in Jiangcheng. There is no official order to ban fireworks. On New Year's Eve, fireworks rise all night in the whole city, making a noise all night, scaring away the bad luck of the old year and welcoming the good luck of the new year.

At that time, Fu Shenyan was still there, and the four seasons were very sticky. There was no accident to the Fu family.

Home was home at that time.

Memories are beautiful, but with the passage of time, sadness comes like a torrent of levees. The brighter the fireworks, the more desolate I am. All this is because of Murong Jin.

I clenched my teeth and clenched my hands into fists. The smile on my face because of memories gradually turned into heavy resentment.

Murong Jin thought I could see it. He came forward and hugged me from behind. He was immersed in self righteous feelings, "Shen Shu, I may not know what love is, but I know very well that at this moment, I don't want you to leave. Although up to now, I don't believe in any feelings that can last a lifetime, I promise that my feelings for you, like this fireworks, will be the hottest and most romantic even if they are short."

I sneered, shook my nose and said, "needless to say, it sounds so good. Don't you just want to say that you are interested in me now, so keep me anyway. If you're not interested, let me learn this fireworks and disappear on my own initiative."

Murong sighed and smiled, "maybe."

Then he loosened me and led me to the guardrail. "Stand closer and you can see more clearly."

However, when we came to the guardrail, we saw the situation of the viewing platform directly below, and we all silenced.

Under the warm light, a pair of men and women stood side by side in the pavilion of the viewing platform.

It is not difficult to see from the back that it is Fu Shenyan and Su ran.

From a distance, it still matches.

At the moment, they are also looking at the fireworks in the sky and don't notice us behind them.

"Su ran and Fu Shenyan are both excellent. They were born to do this. I think they should be handy when they cooperate." Murong Jin whispered.

When I heard the speech, I looked at him indifferently and wanted to frame Fu Shenyan and Su ran for having an affair, so I said directly, don't beat around the bush with me.

But on the surface, I asked, "what do you mean?"

Murong looked at me with a smile of schadenfreude, "literally“

"If I had been in the past, I would have chosen a woman with equal strength as the other half. Do you think Su ran would have chosen that in Fu Shenyan's eyes?"

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