Uncle Wan and uncle Hua obviously didn't discuss these words with bald Chen in advance. They raised their hips for a moment and looked restless.

Seeing the bald Chen still staring at Murong Jin, uncle Hua cleared his throat again, "cough, cough --"

This was to remind him not to be reckless, but he was misunderstood by bald Chen as timid and ridiculed, "Come on, come on, Hua Zi, don't cough. I don't know if you're afraid of Murong Jin. I tell you, I'll call today. I don't believe it. The group has really become his own! Let's go against each other and see if he can sit firmly as chairman!"

Even I felt that uncle Hua and uncle Wan could not dissuade him, so I had to be silent and join him by default.

I looked at all this coldly with a cynical smile on my lips. It seems that I am lucky to witness the dog biting scene in these so-called indestructible organizations so soon.

Murong Jin believes in the world of the law of the jungle. People's trust is like a piece of paper as thin as cicada's wings, which can be broken by stabbing.

Under the questioning of bald Chen, Murong Jin drank the hot coffee in his hand slowly, not angry or angry. It seemed that he didn't listen to a word, giving people a feeling of punching cotton.

Bald Chen seemed to have received great humiliation. He looked at Murong Jin by name and said, "Murong Jin, what do you mean!?"

After a moment of silence, Murong Jincai smacked his mouth, put down half of his coffee, looked up at the people and said calmly, "it's not interesting. Uncle Chen, what you said is reasonable. I'm listening, but -"

He dragged a long tone, and then his eyes fell on Fu Shenyan, holding the corners of his mouth, but endless darkness and coldness appeared at the bottom of his eyes. "I doubt I can. Should Uncle Chen be soaked in rain and dew, and consider our new leader Fu Shenyan?"

In a few words, he successfully pointed the spearhead at Fu Shenyan.

Indeed, rather than suspecting Murong Jin's intention to eliminate his subordinates, Fu Shenyan, who has just joined but has risen all the way, is more suspicious.

There are usually only two kinds of such people, either undercover arranged by the police or naturally suitable for this business, but in most cases, they are the first.

For a time, everyone's eyes at Fu Shenyan became intriguing.

I subconsciously sweated for him in my heart.

"Fu Shenyan, what do you want to say?" Uncle Hua asked aloud.

Fu Shenyan seemed to be in a trance just now. When he heard uncle Hua calling his name, he returned to his mind and said with a sneer, "I have nothing to say."

"That's to admit that you did it?!" the bald Chen snapped.

Fu Shenyan sat up straight and relaxed, "I didn't say that."

"Then what do you mean by saying that!" bald Chen felt fooled and raised his voice sharply.

"It's very simple," Fu Shenyan raised his mouth with a touch of ridicule and turned to look in the direction of Murong Jin and me. There was no wave in his eyes. "I know my qualifications better than anyone else."

That's true. Fu Shenyan has always been cautious. He has no reason to lift a stone and hit himself in the foot.

I was relieved to see that everyone else on the table nodded thoughtfully.

Although the appearance in this room is the dress of ordinary people, we all know in our hearts how cruel and cruel souls are hidden under this bright and gentle skin bag. We must be extremely careful to be in the same room with such people.

Fu Shenyan just got rid of the suspicion for a moment, he said to Murong Jin, "brother Jin, since I'm straight to the point, I won't hide it. There's a problem I haven't been able to understand. I hope you can explain it."

Murong was very calm. "You're welcome, but it doesn't hurt to say."

"It's not a big deal. It's about your son's contact with your predecessor Shen Changlin, a senior Chinese official. I don't know if there's any special arrangement?"

Hearing Shen Changlin's name, uncle Hua stood up excitedly, "Shen Changlin is the hardest official. He has always been the most disgusted with our gray transactions!"

Bald Chen stared at Murong Jin again and said aggressively, "now how do you explain, Murong Jin!"

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