Sister Zhang heard the news and ran out. Seeing the scene, she cried out, "my God, what are you doing?"

Shen Yu is lying on the ground. I don't know what happened.

I was stunned. Taking advantage of Fu Shenyan's inattention, I threw away his hand and ran to Shen Yu. I helped him up. My voice choked, "I'll take you to the hospital!"

He frowned and his face was in agony.

"Xiaoshu, you don't have to ask him, I'm ok!" Shen Yu tried to get up from the ground, but struggled for a while and fell down again.

"Oh He laughed angrily, "beg me for something I don't know how to live or die? Shen Shu, you give me a lot of surprises! "

Tears hit his hand, his strength relaxed a little, I hoarse voice, continue to speak, "as long as I send him to the hospital, I will come back, I will not go anywhere, you can do anything to me, OK?"

"Fu Shenyan, please, let me take him to the hospital, OK?" I really have no way, hard can't, can only come to soft.

He was so strong that he almost crushed the bone when he held my hands.

Then I smashed my stomach with the other hand. He quickly grabbed me and put me in his arms. The anger in his voice broke out, "Shen Shu, how are you!"

See Shen Yu state is not very good, I loosen bite his hand, word by word way, "Fu Shenyan, if you don't let go, that child we don't want."

He did not move, just looking at me, dark eyes are indifferent.

Seeing that he was not moved at all, I lowered my head and bit on his arm, staring at him. If he didn't let go, I made more efforts.

He looked at me with a grim look. "Come back with me!"

Staring at him angrily, I said in a cold voice, "Fu Shenyan, let go!"

I was flustered for a moment and tried my best to get rid of Fu Shenyan holding my hand, but there was a gap between men and women, and I couldn't get rid of him at all.

"Well Cough Shen Yu coughed suddenly, then vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Fu Shenyan, he's hurt. Can't you see that?" I tried to shake off his hand, a little angry, "why do you want to hit him, what's wrong with you, you come to me, what do you hit him for?"

Fu Shenyan's foot is not light just now. If there are any sequelae left in the future, I'm afraid that I can't get rid of Shen Yu all my life.

I know that Fu Shenyan is angry now, but I can't leave Shen Yu now. Shen Yu's leg can walk normally because I had an operation before.

I want to help him up, was a force to pull apart, Fu Shenyan face cold fierce, "go back, he can't die."

He did not say that it was ok, he said, I could not stop the tears, just like broken beads, crackling down.

The hand is pressed down by Shen Yu suddenly, he pulled a smile, looking at very brilliant, "it's OK, don't cry, don't hurt!"

"How are you? I'll take you to the hospital. " I noticed that Fu Shenyan had just kicked his leg which had been operated on before, and I subconsciously wanted to reach out to see it.

I dare not go to see Fu Shenyan again. I run to Shen Yu. His mouth and nose are bleeding, and his face is painted.

Dare not to see Fu Shenyan's expression, I lowered my head and helped Shen Yu into his car.

Mrs. Zhang sighed and said, "come back early."

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