For a moment, he looked at me, black eyes extremely deep, "can force a little bit!"

I Leng, blurted out, "you are not afraid of pain?"


His voice was muffled. "Shall we go to the bathroom? Well

"Shen Shu!" He hugged me from behind, his voice was a little hoarse, "when the cat is uncomfortable, it's easy to be irritable, so are people. We haven't had it for a long time."

I can not help a Leng, the mobile phone aside, light way, "I will go to a hospital to see wood."

"Can't sleep," Fu Shenyan's eyes seem to be cold, but he can clearly feel a pressing aura. Sure enough, he looked at me for a long time and said faintly, "I'm suffocating."

"Why don't you sleep?" It's still early. It's OK to get up.

When I heard the movement of the stairway, I looked sideways and saw that it was Fu Shenyan. He was wearing gray pajamas. He had a slender body, and his pajamas were very good-looking.

She's still in the hospital. I'll send her to him later.

He sent a lot of them. Muzi always said he wanted to eat them. I washed some of them, put them up, looked at the time, and then sent a message to Muzi.

Qingmang is also good. When I was a child, I always liked to eat it dipped in pepper, and it tasted very good.

He simply took the fruit tray and took some back. Shen Yu was right. They were all fruits from Huai'an yard. The tomatoes were not very big, but they tasted good.

Wake up early, sister-in-law Zhang should be out to buy vegetables, before Shen Yu sent fruit is still placed in the yard, the box is very big, I can't move.

I took back my eyes and didn't peep at the embarrassment and shyness of being arrested. "You sleep, I'll go downstairs for a walk."

After a long time, his tight body relaxed, narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand: "come here?"

Four eyes opposite, I just a Leng, then calm.

He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were dark, and there was no haze after sleeping. His eyes were staring at me tightly,

even when he was sleeping, his alertness was extremely high.

He has a thick chest, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and his legs are well-balanced and slender!

Indeed, this is what Fu Shenyan said.

It's said that people who sleep in this position will be very strong and will make up their mind to do things that no one will refuse.

It's a sleeping position that's always on the alert.

His eyelashes are very long, his lips are slightly pursed, and his lips are slightly sunken!

It's the first time I've looked at his face so carefully.

Fu Shenyan hasn't woken up yet. Even in deep sleep, his posture is very regular. His short black hair is clean and sharp, and his facial features are well-defined and profound.

The next day, I woke up earlier.


Relieved, I lay down to sleep.

I Leng Leng, can't help looking at him, see he didn't respond, is quiet reading.

After a brief wash, he also went to bed. Recently, he seemed to like sleeping naked. When he moved his body, he accidentally met his fighting brother.

For a long time, I took the medicine box and washed my hands.

The action in the hand is not from stiff stiff, I low Mou don't know how to answer him, silent knead for him.

He drew down his eyebrows and restrained his chill. "When you fight down, do you think I will also hurt?"

Sure enough, no matter how unsophisticated and well-dressed a man is, at a certain time, he will also become a local ruffian and a rogue when he needs to.

See me silent, he did not restrain, hand rolling in my waist, and then shallow deep then explored down.

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