This just a few days, how did she know? I, um, said to the phone, "how do you know?"

The wood exploded. "How do I know? What do you mean? Don't you treat me as a friend at all? It's such a big thing that you beat me without even saying a word. "

Hearing the sound, he slightly trembled his long black eyelashes, slightly split his eyes, and swept his cold and indifferent eyes towards me.

"Fu Shenyan!" I opened my mouth and glanced at several empty whisky bottles on the table. I'm not afraid that my stomach can't stand it!

The light in the room is dim, and the man on the sofa has eyes slightly closed and thin lips lightly pursed. His temperament doesn't seem to be drunk, but it seems to close his eyes.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a strong smell of smoke and wine. I opened the door and breathed in.

On the second floor, I found Fu Shenyan's private room. I knocked on the door a few times, but there was no movement. I pushed the door in directly.

I'm stunned. Is it because of the children?

"How do I know? I came here two days ago, but before I was drunk, I was taken away by his tall and handsome assistant. Today, the assistant didn't come. I think something happened. He was directly drunk to death." Put down the wine cup in her hand, she said, "you don't even say a word, you beat the seed of others. Do you think they can be in a good mood?"

I put the car key in my bag, looked at her and said, "how did he come here to drink?"

Muziyi was drinking in front of the bar. When he saw me, he said, "I'm drunk in the box upstairs."

The time bar is not far from the villa. I'll be there in ten minutes.

How did Fu Shenyan go to drink? After hanging up, I cleaned up, put on my coat and drove to Muzi's bar.


She was not angry. "How many men do you have besides him?"

I am stunned, "Fu Shenyan?"

The other end of the phone said, "come to the bar to pick you up. The man is drunk."

Then there was no next sentence. I thought she would say something. When she didn't speak, I thought it was OK. I was just ready to hang up.

As soon as I said that, she said, "OK, I see!"

"Just these few months, I think Jingcheng is good. I want to live there!"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, then he said, "when will you leave? Do you plan to go to that city?"

I won't tell her about the child for the time being. Now it's all at this stage, and it's useless to say so. But I have to tell you something about leaving. Muzi settled in Jiangcheng because of me. If I leave quietly, she will never talk to me in the future.

Knowing that she was worried about my accident, I was warm in my heart. After listening to her noisy for a long time, I said, "Muzi, I'm going to divorce Fu Shenyan. I may leave Jiangcheng in the future. Do you want to leave?"

"Don't talk to me. I don't object to your beating children. But don't you need someone to take care of you? You just don't say a word. What if something happens? " She was red eyed, so she said everything in her heart.

The woman was so irritable that she couldn't resist. I helped her forehead and said, "I'm not afraid of a long night's dream! So it's a quick decision. I was going to tell you, but I think you are busy recently. I'm not going to wait for two days to tell you! "

I don't know if it's because I disturb him. There's a little chill in the calm atmosphere, and his eyes become more and more disgusted.

Thin lips gently open, voice low cold, "roll!"

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