He smiles, makes me lie on my side, and then pinches my legs and arms.

In fact, it is still uncomfortable, but he accompanied me, and I soon fell asleep.

I'm not used to staying in the capital. What's more, I always feel insecure.

After all the people in the ward left, Fu Shenyan was left behind. I slowly looked at him and said, "Fu Shenyan, I want to go back to Jiangcheng!"

Chen Yi nodded.

Fu Shenyan looks at Chen Yi and says, "arrange for someone to check!"

The bodyguard's face was serious. "We check the yard every day. There are anthelmintic drugs. It's reasonable that no snake will crawl in."

When Fu Shenyan came, it was already afternoon. He took Chen Yi with him and asked about the details. He frowned at the bodyguard and said, "Why are there snakes in the villa?"

however, due to excessive fright, I stayed in the hospital to observe for a period of time.

I was rushed to the hospital and checked back and forth for a long time. Fortunately, I didn't notice any pain in my lower abdomen. In addition to some secretions, there was no other problem.

She nodded and comforted, "there should be no accident. Relax, don't be nervous!"

I shook my head. "No pain!"

She held me, motioned for two bodyguards to help me up, and said, "it's OK. You can relax. Let's go to the hospital to have a check. Do you have abdominal pain?"

Holding Dr. Li tightly, I was a little flustered. "Will something happen to the child? What shall we do? "

Before the shock was relieved, I was frightened by the things under my body.

I was stunned. I looked down and saw that I didn't know when I was wet. What's this?

Doctor Li, who came from Jiangcheng, said in a hurry, "call 120 and go to the hospital immediately."

Maybe I called too loud. The doctors, nannies and bodyguards who were originally in the villa all rushed to see me sitting on the ground and turned pale for a while.

The whole person was trembling with fright. Instinctively, he patted it with his hand and fell from the basket. He screamed, "go away!"

Forced to wake up, I subconsciously looked down, summer is hot, I wear skirts, some short, eye-catching will see that the black and white colorful snake meandering in my legs, snake letter toward me, I was all angry goose bumps.

I always feel something crawling on my legs. It's soft and slippery. I shake my legs in a daze, but it doesn't seem to work.

After a turn in the yard, maybe because I didn't sleep well at night, I leaned on the hanging basket in the yard and fell asleep soon.

I shake my head. I don't want to eat anything.

I can't eat any more, she said anxiously, "isn't it out of appetite? Tell me what you want to eat, and I'll make it for you later? "

Downstairs, aunt Quan has breakfast ready.


After turning over and lying on my side for a while, I finally relaxed. Fu Shenyan was no longer in the bedroom.

My stomach is so big that I can't breathe easily.

The next day, I woke up with some breathing difficulties, because I always like to lie flat before I go to bed, so I will unconsciously lie flat in my sleep.

He held my hand in the palm of his hand and said softly, "OK, we'll go back next week. We'll go back to the company when we've dealt with some of the company's affairs

Fu Shenyan has had a lot of things recently, and I have little time. I'm very bored in the hospital. It's going to be eight months, and it's going to be hard to land.

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