The phone has been connected. It's Cheng Junyu's cold voice

"Shen Shu lent my clothes to you before. You should find a chance to clean them and return them to me. I want to wear them!" This straight to the goal, said the heart does not jump, the face is not red, the ear is not red.

Speaking of this, she hesitated, playing with the emerald ring in her hand, "and if he develops in the capital, it will be more difficult for him to turn the clouds and rain like in Jiangcheng only by his ability and the only contacts he has at present. He must need external forces to have a bright future."

She said with a smile, "not really. My condition will do you no harm in any way. If you love Fu Shenyan, then I believe you will carefully consider his future. He is an ambitious man. The reason why he chooses Beijing is that Jiangcheng is not enough to accommodate his ambition, so he chooses Beijing."

I took the contract and looked at it carefully. For a moment, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Looking at her, I said, "Lin Wan is really on the rich list. He is very generous."

She said with a smile, "look first!"

I raised my eyebrows. "What is it?"

Seeing me like this, she put a contract in front of me and said with a smile, "look, it may be useful to you!"

This is obviously nonsense. I didn't answer it. I just laughed.

She didn't mind and said, "that's good. You're going to start welcoming a little life."

I nodded, "Well!" No more words.

In contrast, the gentle smile on Lin Wan's face remained the same. His eyes fell on my stomach and he said, "is this child going to be born soon?"

Lin Wan came to me. I felt much more relaxed this time. I didn't feel nervous. I invited her into the reception hall. Aunt Quan made tea for her.

I think I can open a high-end jewelry store to sell these things.

When Chen Xing and Shen Yu came to the capital, my life was not so boring. At home, Fu Shenyan made the jewelry for me.


White one eye Fu Shenyan, I and he really have no topic to say, simply ready to sleep.

I don't know?????

Then he hung up.

"Yes, I'll give you the clothes as soon as possible!" Cheng Junyu opened his mouth and said faintly, "I'll find clothes!"

"The International Bone Cancer Hospital of country m has been officially established. It seems that you don't need a letter of recommendation." Fu Shenyan said this and leaned back on the concubine's chair.

"The right size!" Cheng Junyu is probably in a bad mood, listening to the phone there is some noise.

Fu Shenyan was not happy and said directly, "I don't know where to find out for me. Take the clothes bought by other people's wives. They are suitable for you."

"Forget it. I don't know where I put the clothes." Cheng Junyu is also a cold-blooded person in his heart. After that, he will hang up.

Fu Shenyan, "no shortage!"

I can almost imagine Cheng Junyu's expression on the other end of the phone. He turned on the loudspeaker. After a few seconds on the other end of the phone, he said, "are you short of this dress?"


I looked at the contract in my hand and listened to her words indifferently. I couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Lin really knows how to use his own advantages, but you don't know Fu Shenyan. He is the son of heaven and never disdains others' help. If he wants to develop in the capital, even if he doesn't have any help, he will have a day of ups and downs in the capital."

I never doubt Fu Shenyan's ability, and I never think he will give up me and my children for his future.

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