After all, after AC and Huayu, I have no chance to join Fu.

"Cough..." Wandering between, I can not help but eat a fish, did not pay attention to the shark fin thorn down.

He nodded, "these are all my properties all over the world. There are also some overseas properties. I asked Chen Yi to transfer the ownership to your name a few days ago."

Can't help saying, "how is it all my name?" I didn't seem to buy these things.

I was stunned and looked at the documents in the document again. They were all real estate contracts and some shops.

"It's all for you!" He said with a smile, "these bank cards are all my income in these years. They are all my pure assets."

Look at him, "these things?"

White he one eye, I took the file bag, opened looked, not from a Leng.

He was funny. "When was that childish?"

I curled my lips and said haughtily, "I don't want to see it!"

He took it to a chair and let me sit on his lap. He took a file bag out of the drawer and handed it to me. "Open it and have a look!"

He had a rare good temper. He put the cake on the table and took me down from the chair.

I pursed my lips, avoided the pastry he handed me, and calmly ignored him.

He came up to me, put the cake on my mouth and said, "angry?"

When Fu Shenyan came up, it was already half an hour later. He was holding a cake in his hand. He saw me sitting on the hanging chair and flipping the book.

Then I went upstairs and went into the study.

"I'm not hungry!"

Seeing Dr. Li away, he put a bowl of fish soup in front of me and said, "drink some fish soup!"

Quietly pushed the fish pond to one side, Fu Shenyan looked at my little action, but smile.

I have a lingering fear, looking at the fish soup in front of me, I lost my appetite for a moment.

It wasn't long before Dr. Li came and took the fishbone out of my mouth. He said with a smile, "fortunately, it's not very deep. If such a big fishbone hurts my throat, it's troublesome."

Fu Shenyan raised his eyebrows and stopped talking.

Mrs. Zhang sighed. She could not help looking at Fu Shenyan and said, "don't talk about her, sir. She is still in pain."

See him not only don't love me, also scold me like this, I can't help feeling aggrieved, red eyes way, "I didn't mean it!"

He touched the tip of his nose, some helpless, "know the pain is good, next time just long memory."

I pursed my lips and looked at him with some grievances. My voice was hoarse, "sore throat!"

Fu Shenyan looked at me and said, "what are you doing in such a hurry? I'm afraid I'll come back and rob you? "

Aunt Quan nodded and trotted out.

I opened my mouth, his fingertips raised my chin, looked at it carefully, released his hand, looked at Aunt Quan and said, "let Dr. Li come here!"

He stepped forward, looked at me and said, "open your mouth!"

Sister Zhang held me, looked at him and said, "Xiao Shu is stuck by shark fin."

"What's the matter?" Fu Shenyan strides in and frowns when he sees some people's hands and feet.

Right aunt see this, quickly took the phone to call for help.

I swallowed a few times, my throat was pricked to pain, tears are going to hurt out.

Seeing this, sister-in-law Zhang quickly brought me water and patted my back, "what can I do? It's stuck! "

Fishbone stuck in my throat, I couldn't help but open my mouth and cough.

"Why?" It's OK. Give me these things.

"Support the family!" He spoke with a smile in his eyes.

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