With the dark yellow light on, the atmosphere didn't look as exciting as before.

Lu Xinran was also there. She sat beside Qiao Jingyan, but she was very quiet. Cheng Junyu also brought a girl with her. She was wearing a blue knee length skirt, which I looked familiar with.

Before Lu Xinran met Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng, he was a helpless orphan.

"She's a working girl. What are you?" Cheng Junyu said mercilessly, "Xinran, have you forgotten what you did before?"

Lu Xinran and Qiao Jingyan were not happy with this. Lu Xinran said, "what's wrong with me asking her to go shopping? She is just a working girl. What do you have to worry about? "

"I'm not going?" Cheng Junyu is very straightforward, basically without any emotion.

Lu Xinran nodded and naturally said, "I'm not full!"

Cheng Junyu frowned, looked at Lu Xinran and said, "didn't you eat just now?" He is a cold-blooded man. If he didn't mean to be gentle with a person, he has never been warm.

Lu Ke's face was not very good, but he pulled Cheng Junyu's sleeve with a smile and said gently, "Junyu, what do you want to eat? I'll go down and buy some food for sister Xinran. I'll bring you some by the way! "

The other three men do the same thing, but Lu is not used to it. In her opinion, Lu Xinran is trying to embarrass her at this time. Several people here, Lu Xinran, can't do anything at will. She is the only one!

She's always been like this. I've been used to it all these years.

"There's nothing I want to eat in the takeout. What if you help me? Afraid I won't give you money? " Lu Xinran's obstinacy is somewhat stubborn.

Then Fu Shenyan shut up. Lu Ke's face was a little bit bad. Looking at Lu Xinran, he said with a smile, "Miss Lu, what do you want to eat? You can order a takeout. Now it's getting late. It's not safe for me to go out as a girl!"

I thought about it, shook my head and said, "not hungry!"

The three men didn't put their attention here, but Fu Shenyan looked at me and said, "do you have anything to eat?"

The disgust in his eyes became more and more obvious. After Lu Ke poured the wine for Qiao Jingyan again, Lu Xinran couldn't help it. He stood up and looked at Lu Ke and said, "Miss Lu, go out and buy me some dumplings! I didn't eat much at night. I'm a little hungry now. "

Not willing to take the initiative to communicate with others, especially when she looks at Lu Ke, who has been very attentive to pour wine for the man, with a smile, whether she still inserts a word.

Several people sat down. Fu Shenyan and Cheng Junyu talked about the company. I couldn't get in the way. Although Lu Xinran was annoying, she was very proud in her heart.

The key is that Lu Ke is not so simple. She was obsessed with Fu Shenyan before. Why is she so close to Cheng Junyu now?

I can't tell the feeling in my heart. Although Cheng Junyu doesn't know about Muzi, she is now hiding in the countryside with a big stomach. Cheng Junyu is ambiguous with other women at this time.

Later, I think of Lu Ke. I can't help frowning. I see her sitting next to Cheng Junyu, looking at her intimacy.

This makes Lu Xinran's face completely unable to hang up, "Cheng Junyu, why do you accept me for a woman?"

"When you become a young lady, you feel like you can take a shit on someone else's head?" Cheng Junyu sneered, "do you really think that we all have to get used to you?"

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