Gu Han nodded, his face slightly bad, I didn't pay much attention.

With him out of the community, in the supermarket around, buy basic is some firewood, rice, oil and salt, he looked at me, a face of accident way, "can you cook?"

I really can't stay here for a minute. I'm afraid I can't control myself and I'll work hard with Lu Xinran.

Gu Han held me. I held his hand tightly. His voice was hoarse and painful. "Gu Han, take me away!"

I lost my strength for a moment, my eyes were red, and I struggled away from him with my only strength.

I was held tightly by a force, and a deep tearing voice came from my ear, "Shen Shu, it's me, I'm Fu Shenyan, I'm your husband!"

"Ah crazy! Shen Shu, you lunatic, brother Shenyan, help me Lu Xinran was frightened and screamed. For a moment, he became a mess.

Lu Xinran was so surprised that he stepped back directly. I didn't give her any response at all. I tore her delicate hair and said crazily, "Lu Xinran, you can't run away with Lin Wan."

Almost crazy towards the landing happily rushed past, no one thought I would be like this.

Lu Xinran, Lin Wan, I feel some collapse, eyes scarlet look at Lu Xinran, for a time can not control, suddenly shake off Fu Shenyan's hand.

as like as two peas, I suddenly remembered that before he was able to choose these things, they were almost identical.

Looking up, Lu Xinran's stomach has been slightly bulging. She is standing beside the shopping cart, which is stacked with a lot of baby products for female babies.

"Sister Shen, how can you..." Suddenly, a beautiful voice of a woman came into my ears, and I felt like a thunderbolt.

I'm not ready to face him, I'm not ready to talk to him about children, I'm not ready to talk to him.

I feel my hands and body are shaking, just for a moment, I will stagger his eyes, no longer look at him, heartache suffocation.

For a time, I was at a loss. My body was a little numb, and my heart began to ache constantly. The dense pain began to spread, and fear and bewilderment surrounded me.

In short, the mood in his eyes is too much, too impetuous, and my brain is like being hit by lightning.

I was stunned. Before I knew what was going on, my wrist was grabbed and pulled out of Gu Han's arms.

It's getting late. Let's go back

Out of instinct, I looked back and was held in his arms by Gu Han, who pressed my head in his arms.

He didn't respond, just look at me behind, I Leng Leng, vaguely aware of a cold light staring at me.

I look up and smile. My eyes fall on the shelf behind him and say, "Gu Han, help me with that seasoning bag. I can't reach it!"

He laughed, raised his hand, rubbed my head and said, "OK, I'll wait!"

After choosing several kinds of condiments, I said, "you wait, I'll show you at night!"

It's really embarrassing to be asked like this. I can't help but have no good way at him. "You're too disrespectful. Why can't I cook?"

I'm more afraid that Fu Shenyan protects her, and I'm more afraid to see any intimacy between them.

"OK, let's go home!" Gu Han opened his mouth, picked me up and walked out of the supermarket.

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