It was several days after I knew Fu Shenyan was downstairs in the community. Gu Han almost didn't let me go out because of his unstable mood.

I think he really understands me and knows how to stabilize my mood. He is really busy after the national day.

Instinctively, I turned around and decided to go.

What is he doing here?

Did not walk a few steps, I stood still, familiar with the black jeep, license plate ja888c, a few keywords - Fu Shenyan.

In autumn in Beijing, the temperature is getting lower and lower day by day. It's very cold to sit outside for a long time.

He may be busy looking after the children and hang up after a few words.

I nodded again and again, but my heart was a little happy, at least Muzi's child was well.

"We are still in the countryside. When Muzi gets better, he will come to see you in the capital.

I heard the cry of a child on the other end of the phone. My heart broke down and my tears began to flow out.

Also had to say, "where are you now?"

"She's also very good. Now she's in confinement. She's devoted to her children, so she may not have time to answer your phone." I always find his voice strange, but I don't know how to say it.

I feel a little uncomfortable, body some floating, went to the side of the rest area to sit down, pressure pressure mood way, "I'm fine, where are you? I can't get in touch with you, Muzi? Why can't she get through all the time? "

Maybe at the other end of the phone, I suddenly heard my voice. I was a little stunned. After a long time, I said, "she's very good. She's already had a baby. She's a girl. You Where have you been? How is the child? "

Now I get a call from Jon, and I get through, "Jon, where's Muzi? How are you and Muzi? Did she have a baby? "

These days, I call him every day, but I can't get through. It's the day of Muzi's delivery. I don't know what happened to them.

A little absorbed in the thought, the phone rang. It was Jon.

Product quality can be guaranteed. The only thing you want to worry about is the management. Gu is a listed company. If Huayao is acquired, it is a good choice for Gu.

Gu Han originally had a company abroad. At present, he may want to develop in China. He is also a technology company. I think of Huayao in Jiangcheng. The technicians of this company are excellent.

I nodded, took the document in her hand and got off the car. It was only five minutes' journey from the gate of the community to the floor. I walked slowly, thinking about new projects all the way.

Send me to the gate of the community, assistant Lin Xi said, "director Shen, this is Mr. Gu asked me to give it to you, he let you remember to eat."

These days, I've adjusted myself very well, so I don't worry him so much.

Gu Hengyang was admitted to the hospital because of a stroke, so Gu Han just arranged an assistant to send me back.

Unlike other projects, it's difficult to work from nine to five. I've just taken over, so I'm almost busy until very late.

And I also began to work in Gu's company. Gu Han did arrange me in the project team. Because he just took over, I didn't understand a lot of things. He arranged an assistant for me to help me.

But did not walk a few steps, was pulled by him, "Shen Shu, you plan to hide me to when?"

I rigid body, breathing a little difficult, "Fu Shenyan, let's divorce it!"

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