I was awakened by the thunder. When I opened my eyes, I felt numb with cold. There was a lot of thunder outside. When I went to sleep, I forgot to close the window, so the heavy rain came in.

Fumbled with the mobile phone to see the time, see only 12 o'clock, I can't help frowning, now wake up, I'm afraid I can't sleep this night.

He got up and poured me a glass of water, then asked the Secretary to bring in a breakfast, looked at me and said, "you eat, I say!"

I nodded, looked at him and said, "what is it about?"

All right!

I don't know?????

He helped his forehead and said with a smile, "there will be a meeting soon. You need to attend. If you don't read the documents, you can play freely!"

I Leng Leng, Fu Shenyan's appearance, let me forget the work, can't help some embarrassed way, "yesterday forgot!"

He twisted his eyebrows, didn't speak, just said, "did you read the document I gave you yesterday?"

I nodded, "Fu Shenyan is downstairs. I'm very upset!"

Gu Han came early. Seeing my poor spirit, he frowned, "didn't sleep last night?"

The next day, the sun rose faintly, I got out of bed and went directly to the company.

I closed the curtains and sat on the bed, knowing that I couldn't sleep that night.

The floor was too high for me to hear what he said. I just watched them pester for a while and they left.

It's still raining outside. Fu Shenyan is still in the rain like he died, but after half an hour, Qiao Jinyan comes.

So I shut it down.

"Damn it! I said you are not a good woman! You... " Joe is very strict. I'm not going to listen to him scold me.

I pursed my lips, "Fu Shenyan abused himself in the Central Park community. If you don't want him to die, come and carry him back. In addition, please tell him that even if you want to die, please go away. I'm not responsible for collecting the corpse. Thank you!"

"Shen Shu? What's the matter? "

After thinking about it, I turned to my mobile wechat and called Cheng Junyu. No one answered me for a long time. So I dialed Qiao Jingyan again. After ringing for a long time, someone got through.

It's raining heavily outside. It's in late autumn. It's not warm like the rain in midsummer. I'm afraid it won't be long before he gets sick.

"Fu Shenyan, if you are ill, go to see a doctor." With that, I hung up and got very upset.

Sick, not light!


He laughed. "You're angry. Does that mean you care about me?"

I was angry, "Fu Shenyan, are you sick?" This midnight in the rain, self abuse ah!

Stunned, I subconsciously went to the balcony and looked down. Next to the street lamp downstairs, Fu Shenyan, dressed in black, stood upright in the rain, just like wood.

I was so upset that I wanted to hang up my cell phone. He said, "I'm downstairs!"

"Shen Shu, you know what I want. If I were you, I would accompany you..." His voice was hoarse and he could hear the rain.

I'm a little irritable. I'm going to turn off my cell phone. I don't want to call again. I frown and get through and say, "Fu Shenyan, do you think I'm not satisfied with what I'm like now? Do you want to force me to die?"

There are dozens of missed calls on my mobile phone. Although there is no note, I am familiar with the number. They are all from Fu Shenyan.

I doubt if he is worried that I will starve to death, so he always wants to feed me.

Sitting on the sofa, I looked at him as I ate and said, "you say!"

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