Gu Han nodded and raised his eyebrows. "Hasty?" He hooked his lips, and his rebellious and unruly character showed incomparably, "you are used to high opinion and low hand, and all of you decide that the person you recommend can take the big responsibility. This is not a problem for me. Especially if you decide that you have a better person than Shen Shu to take the position of project director, you can recommend it at any time. As for the final result, it is the market of AI in China in the recent year."

Someone answered, "so, AI is not going to discuss whether to cancel or not?"

I said with a smile, "Mr. Fu doesn't know that Huayu belongs to Fu's company. But when grandfather Fu left two years ago, he already arranged for a lawyer to say that Huayu's control right was given to me. To be exact, I am now Huayu's legal person. Huayu belongs to Fu, but the control right is not in Fu's company."

All the people in the meeting room began to whisper for a moment, but Fu Qingyin looked at me and said, "Miss Shen, as far as I know, although you are the wife of President Fu, you have no right to control Hua Yu. You are saying too much."

At that time, my grandfather said that Huayu was under my name in order to let Fu Shenyan get involved with me for the rest of my life. Even if I wanted to leave completely, I had to remove Huayu's legal liability. This process was extremely troublesome.

Although Huayu is not big, its new product R & D is never disappointing. Most of Fu's economic pillars come from Huayu.

I smile, but not angry, said, "I use Jiangcheng Huayu as a mortgage. If you don't believe me, you can sign a contract. One year later, if Gu's AI technology still has no progress, then Huayu will be acquired by Gu's company. How about it?"

"Oh Someone sneered, "who's Miss Shen from to experience life with Gu? Gu's investment in AI is worth hundreds of millions of yuan a year. It's easy for you to bear every word. When you leave, Gu's losses will still be borne by him. "

I got up and said, "if I can't make progress in AI after one year, I'll bear the research loss of Gu's investment in AI in this year."

For a moment, people in the conference room looked at each other face to face and began to talk. A moment later, there was humanity. "Since President Fu has said that, let's try it together. If the final result is good, we will all be happy. If it doesn't work, but it also wastes most of Gu's assets. We need Miss Shen to understand this."

"Yes!" Fu Qingyin said that she had lost the softness of caring for her family and the momentum of being a strong woman in clothes. "After all, we have invested hundreds of millions in the AI project, which has taken so long. If Miss Shen really has the ability to reverse the results one year later, it's also a great joy. If she doesn't have the ability, we can't discuss the cancellation of the AI project again Late. "

Gu Han nodded, "yes, in a year's time, if you decide that Shen Shu is not competent, you can recommend talents, but my standard is to make achievements in AI in this year, otherwise don't talk nonsense."

Her face was so gloomy that she stopped talking.

When people hear this, there is nothing wrong with it. If Hua Yu belongs to Gu family, it can be said that he not only adds technology to Gu family, but also pushes Gu family to another height.

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