
"I'm sorry. I'm busy this afternoon. I won't go on talking with you." I'm not a good person, and I can't judge whether a person is good or bad. Everyone's life is different. I can only endure the hardships I suffer. I can't understand the hardships of others, and I don't want to understand them.

I nodded, "this place is low-key and has a beautiful environment. If someone doesn't look for it, they can't find it at all. Generally, businesses in this kind of place are not short of money, but owners with feelings. If I guess right, the chef here must be the boss."

He hooked his lips and raised his eyebrows. "It's delicious before you eat it?"

Gu Han always chooses to eat. The car stops at the downstairs of a French restaurant. I look up at him and say, "you can write a food strategy of the capital. It's estimated that many people like it."

Out of the company, on the car, he did not ask me what I want to eat, directly started the car.

No matter how much he said, nothing could be changed, so he didn't say much.

I nodded, but still stubborn, "how can it be? I'm not reconciled

He frowned, "Mo's family is not as simple as we think, a Lin Wan is very troublesome, and Mo Zhicheng is even more troublesome."

Looking at her, I smile, "do you see that? Are you going to stop it? "

Entering the elevator, he and I were the only two. He said, "are you willing to gamble with Huayu to deal with the Mo family by Gu?"

I got up and didn't know what to eat for a moment. I said, "whatever!"

"Let's go! What would you like to eat? " He took the car key.

I sneer, "the child after all has his half blood relationship, he wants to check, again normal."

He nodded and said, "Fu Shenyan seems to be checking too!"

After staring at the files for a long time, I put them away and said, "continue to look down. I have no grievances or grudges with them. They will not harm me until they can't see me."

He pursed his lips, his eyes fell on my cold face, and sighed, "what do you want to do?"

Looking at the two people's files, I can't help saying, "both of them have wives and children. If they also experience the pain of losing their children, wouldn't they be so cruel?"

He gave me a document. I was stunned and impatient. I opened the document and looked at it. The dark side of my heart seemed to be torn open at any time.

When he came to me, he stretched out his hand and said, "this is the information of the two men that night. If you really want to check, I will continue to check for you."

He shrugged, got up and said, "if you don't love him, will you force yourself to this step?"

I am not angry, white his one eye, "which eye do you see I love him?"

After a pause, he added, "you love Fu Shenyan very much, so you give up, not afraid of regret?"

He said, "it's hard to say!"

Looking up at him, I said, "do you think I'm so easy to be convinced?"

He gasped at the corner of his mouth and said, "I've convinced you?"

"Sexual relations!" I do the sofa, drink a few water, just down the irritability of the heart.

When he saw me, he raised his eyebrows and said, "what are you talking about?"

he sat on the boss's chair and looked very idle.

Out of Fu Qingyin's office, I went directly to Gu Han's office.

He laughed, locked the car and said, "you guessed right!"

He followed him into the yard, said hello to the waiter, and then took me to the second floor. The place is not big, and the yard is full of flowers. It looks very artistic and quiet.

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