"What's the matter? Isn't it boring? Let's go. I'll take you to a good place. " Muzi nervously patted me on the shoulder and pulled me out.

I followed her out of the bar, so, "where?"

They walked side by side and met in the corridor. I couldn't avoid them.

Lu Xinran and Qiao Jinyan.

After walking around the nightclub for a long time, I didn't find the bathroom, but met an acquaintance.

I didn't know what to say. I got up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom!"

"It's no wonder that the lady's temperament is very special."

I laughed, "look at the book!"

"What do you like to do?" He was enthusiastic and took the initiative to talk to me.

I'm speechless.


"Miss, don't explain, I know!" He looked at me with a smile. "It's like this the first time I come here. I'm used to it!"

The rest of me and the male model of suit, looking at him, I was embarrassed and said, "well, I'm not..."

After selecting the right person, the other models left. The male model of suit was sitting beside me. I was very uncomfortable. Muzi and the little suckling dog were going to play some exciting games.

White my one eye, she points to wear the male model of suit directly way, "you stay to accompany her!"

I really don't know what to say, I said with a smile, "I I don't have to! "

"Look what we're doing, you pick one quickly!" Muzi opened his mouth to urge him.

No wonder she doesn't find a boyfriend

I'm so surprised that my chin falls off. This product doesn't come often, does it?

The male model was very good, went directly to him, poured her a glass of wine carefully, and took advantage of the situation to pull her hand in the palm of her hand. Muzi did not resist, but also took advantage of the situation to lean his body against the male model.

"You can choose one of all types. Don't you like the overbearing president type? Look at the man in the suit. His looks and temperament are not worse than your Fu Shenyan Muzi said while he ordered a male model of a small suckling dog.

I haven't had time to say that the manager, who just left for a short time, brought more than ten male models. I was stunned for a moment.

"Stay with us!" She put a glass of juice in front of me and said, "let's look at the men outside. Any technology you choose is gentler than Fu Shenyan. Don't spend all your time on him. You should also have your own temper."

I looked at Muzi, the corner of my eye twitched, "what do you call Xiaoge for?"

The manager looked at her posture, nodded and said, "OK, I'll bring someone to pick them up right away."

Muzi, familiar with the road, found a prominent position on the second floor. Then he found the manager and said, "find us two brothers!"

In addition to Muzi's bar, I seldom go anywhere else. At this time, she pulled me into the splendid nightclub. For a moment, I was shocked by the harsh music and my ears were going to fall off.

"What are you talking about?" She pointed to the magnificent nightclub not far in front of her and said, "the bar is guarded. Aren't you bored? I'll take you to see the world!"

This street is full of bars, I thought she was pulling me out to go shopping, speechless way, "you don't guard the bar, take me out to stroll, you are not bored?"

"You'll know when you go!"

See me, Lu Xinran smile immediately pulled down, looked at Qiao Jingyan way, "how can she be here?"

Qiao Jingyan was also very surprised. He shook his head slightly and said, "when I was in the pharmacy, my third brother had already let her go back. I didn't let her follow me!"

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