I've got a lot of eloquence. I know the analogy.

I wanted to talk to him, light cell phone rang up, looked at the caller ID, is Shen Yu.

I am a Leng, shake head, "have no!" Thinking about the child, I couldn't help saying, "did you see her the most?"

Villa door, he took the initiative to open a mouth, "Shen Shu, Muzi recently contacted you?"

When Cheng Junyu left, he hesitated for a long time. It seemed that he had something to say to me. I offered to see him off.

I raised my eyebrows and shrugged my shoulders to end the conversation.

Fu Shenyan pursed his lips, "fun?"

I nodded and took back my hand. Seeing that he lowered his head to prescribe the medicine, I looked up at Fu Shenyan and said with a smile, "don't you want to let doctor Cheng have a look?"

After diagnosing the pulse for me, he said seriously, "there are too many root causes. After gastritis is a little serious, pay attention to diet. The heart rate caused by insomnia is not good, and the heart is not good. The lack of Qi and blood should be caused by your failure to pay attention to recuperation after childbirth. These diseases need to be recuperated by yourself."

Cheng juanyu raised his mouth and looked at Fu Shenyan, who was silent all the time. He raised his eyebrows at me and said, "good!"

After dinner, sister-in-law Zhang cleaned up the kitchen. I sat next to Cheng Junyu and offered my hand to him. "I've been suffering from insomnia, headache and palpitation recently. Let's see what's wrong with me."

Sitting beside me, both of them are excellent tutors, so they don't talk about food and sleep.

With him near the kitchen, sister-in-law Zhang fried a lot of dishes, very rich, Fu Shenyan not a moment also came in.

Cheng Junyu took a look at Fu Shenyan and saw that his face was not very good. The corner of his mouth rose and nodded, "just right, I'm hungry, too."

Looking at Cheng Junyu, I said, "doctor Cheng, have dinner together?"

I stopped when I said that. After a while, I had to ask him to give up the acquisition of Huayao. Now I'm in trouble when I talk with him.

"With you..." Divorce!

When the phone hung up, Fu Shenyan looked at me. He didn't look very well, but now he became even darker. "What do you want to do? Even Shen Changlin has calculated to go in? "

I ignored his expression and said to the phone, "OK, I see. Hang up first."

Fu Shenyan looked at me with a sneer.

"No!" Shen Yu said hastily, "it's estimated that the third uncle's acceptance of you as an adopted daughter will become a hot spot in the capital recently. You'd better keep a little distance from Gu Han. In addition, you should go back to Jiangcheng as soon as possible to complete the Huayao affair. The third uncle will come back after the inspection in various provinces. When you enter the genealogy, you can take advantage of it to do what you want to do!"

Looking at them, I said to the phone, "OK, hang up first."

"It seems that Fu Shenyan intends to fight for Huayao's case. We have been fighting secretly for a long time. I've let go of this case. It's very likely that it will fall into his hands. What you have to do now is to try to persuade Fu Shenyan to give up the acquisition of Huayao." His voice was not loud, but the hall was quiet and close, so fu Shenyan and Cheng Junyu could hear this.

White he one eye, I answer a telephone, "Shen Yu what matter?"


Fu Shenyan saw the caller ID is Shen Yu, slightly narrowed his eyes, said, "right here to pick up!"

See Fu Shenyan and Cheng Junyu are looking at me, I light mouth way, "I go to answer a phone."

He nodded. "If you see her, please let me know!"

I answered and wondered if he knew that Muzi had children. He had been busy with my business all this time, and had no time to take care of Muzi. I didn't know what happened to her.

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