"Who knows? Who knows the lifestyle of the rich? Besides, the engagement between Fu Shenyan and Miss Lu is only said by the Mo family. Fu Shenyan has no response from the beginning to the end. I guess it may be that the woman of the Mo family likes Mr. Fu, but Mr. Fu doesn't like him."


He is stunned, no longer open mouth, just look at me way, "child's matter, I will let Lin Wan give an account, you don't risk."

I took a little breath, looked at him and said, "is the baby mine?"

He pursed his lips. "Why would you rather go to Gu Han than me?"

I nodded, not to deny the meaning, "what's the matter?"

The car stopped at the bottom of the villa. I was held by him, and my face became very serious. "You go into Gu's house to take over the AI project, in order to let Gu's house suppress Mo's house?"

Seeing how serious his face became, I nodded and said, "I know. You don't have to explain all the time."

Seeing that I just laughed and didn't speak, he thought I didn't believe it and continued, "Shen Shu, I haven't touched her from the beginning to the end."

I smile, pursed my lips, looked at the window, did not continue to say redundant words.

He was stunned, but laughed, relieved, "the child is not mine, I will not marry her, as for the engagement, from the beginning to the end, I have not participated in, no public explanation, is to take into account Lu Yan, so I gave Lu Xinran left face."

I nodded. "There's nothing untrustworthy."

He paused, looked at me a bit seriously and said, "I said no, do you believe it?"

I pick an eyebrow, "isn't it?"

He sneered, "do you believe that child is mine?"

I shook my head, "that's what happened to Lu Xinran. She probably doesn't want the descendants of the Fu family to be exiled."

Instead, he mentioned Fu Qingyin, "did aunt talk to you about anything else?"

Fu Shenyan directly drove back to the villa, for these gossip, he did not speak, slightly heavy eyes.

Speaking of it, I really rely on Gu Han's relationship. What I have to do now is to do my work well and make achievements. Otherwise, I will be determined as the name of the related household.

When I came here before, I always heard that I was Gu Han's lover from many people in the company.

Then I put down my mobile phone and saw him frowning at me. I couldn't help saying, "I was parachuted by Gu han to be Gu's project director. This position is not high, but for me, who only worked in Fu's for a few years and was finally removed by Fu's name, it's normal for the company to gossip."

I said, Gu Han returned my message and sent me the time to remind me of what I wanted to bring.

He pursed his lips. "Does this kind of gossip often happen?"

Shaking his head, "no, what's the matter?"

"Will your employees bully you?" Fu Shenyan suddenly said this, and I was stunned.

When the car started, I took out my mobile phone and sent a message to Gu Han asking what time the plane was tomorrow.

Fu Shenyan started the car, looked at me and said, "fasten your seat belt!"

Finally, it was completely quiet.

All the way out of Gu, Fu Shenyan and I more or less listened to some gossip.

Knowing he would say that, I nodded, "well, I know!"

Although I don't know what he will do, it has nothing to do with me. I don't intend to ask others for my suffering and suffering. Except for myself, others are just helping me.

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