His voice was a little low, and he couldn't hear any emotion

When I saw Gu Han staring at me, I couldn't help but say to the phone, "I've just arrived at the airport. I'll go to the restaurant for dinner later."

His eyes fell on Gu Han, who was behind me. He raised his eyebrows and said frivolously, "Tut, you look beautiful. It seems that you have changed people."

Two people see me, all Leng Leng, Lu Qi took the lead in sneering out, "who should I be? It's Mrs. Fu. Why? Didn't you go to the capital with Mr. Fu? Are you back? "

It's only half a year since I saw you. How can a person change so much?

I was stunned. Not surprisingly, it was Han Shuang. She had not seen her for a long time. The delicate and steady look on her face had already disappeared, instead of the vicissitudes and old age.

I subconsciously looked at the woman in front of him, looking at the woman shivering looked up.

How could it be him?

See that face, I can't help but froze, land chess!

When the man heard the movement, he stopped and looked back at Gu Han and me.

But the words have been called out, it is impossible to go straight away.

I can't help but feel annoyed. This kind of thing is a family affair. It's not easy for outsiders to interfere. I can help you once, but I can't help you forever.

Instinctively, I said, "stop it!"

Seeing that the man was ready to smash the glass he was holding at the woman again, the woman shrank and lowered her head, as if she was used to being beaten.

I can't help frowning. How come there's so much trouble and no one is in charge?

I nodded, followed him up, subconsciously looked at the woman who was beaten by the man and screamed constantly.

There was a lot of noise. Gu Han ate a few mouthfuls, but he couldn't eat any more. He looked at me and said, "let's go back and have a rest. We'll go to Huayao at two o'clock in the afternoon."

See this, I can't help frowning, this should be domestic violence? This blatant beating, nobody cares?

There are waiters around, we can't see their faces clearly, only vaguely see that women seem to be beaten seriously by men.

Gu Han and I also followed looking at the past, see a man is the side of the hot dish hit on the woman.

"Bitch, when is it your turn to take care of my business?" The sound was so loud that it was quiet in the restaurant. Most people saw it.

Clubbing chin waiting for Gu han to eat.

I don't sleep well in the morning, so I feel sleepy easily. I have no appetite without a few bites.

I nodded and saw that the car had arrived at the door of the restaurant. I got off the car and went into the restaurant with him.

Seeing this, he gave a faint smile, but he didn't pay attention to it. "After the discussion in the evening, you can rest in Jiangcheng for a few days and then go back. You are used to staying here, so you should live more comfortably."

I shrug. It's obvious. Why not?

Gu Han looked at me, thin lips tightly pursed, "he seems to be very worried about me?"

Slightly nodded, should be a good, and then something hung up.

"Well, I've got a babysitter at home. I'll go back early after the evening. Don't stay out too long." I don't think so. He's a little nagging.

I wring my eyebrow, ignoring his words, looking at Han Shuang, I didn't know how to express my mood at this time.

How could she be like this?

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