But it's no use just having money. Money can't be managed. The company will also have problems.

Over the past year, Shen Yu and Fu Shenyan have discovered the advantages of Huayao. Both of them are management talents. What they think of is not financing, but direct acquisition.

Wang Shi nodded, pursed his lips and frowned. He said, "we don't know much about Gu's situation. As far as the current situation is concerned, Gu's preferential points are really high, but we can't be sure that Huayao will be better and better under Gu's banner in the future."

Looking at Wang Shi, I continued, "Mr. Wang should know better than us that any technology company will not easily acquire another technology company when it has not developed to a certain degree. Most of Fu's sources of income are real estate development. At present, only one technology company is Huayu."

I nodded, "well, it's true!" After a pause, I continued, "but do you forget that Fu has another Huayu, Huayu's and Huayao's are both technology companies. After careful analysis, Fu doesn't really want Huayao that much, and the acquisition of Huayao just wants individual technologies inside Huayao, but these things are not hard to find in the market. In sum, Fu's acquisition of Huayao has little interest, so in the past six months Fu Shenyan will always push back the acquisition of Huayao! "

As soon as I said this, all the people at the meeting table whispered. Wang Shi said calmly, "in that case, why do you stop Fu's acquisition of Huayao? By comparison, Fu's acquisition of Huayao will lead to better development in the future. "

Wang Shi is direct, I smile, and did not hide too much, "President Fu is my husband, for he suddenly gave up the acquisition of Huayao thing, in the middle I really participated."

He said with a smile, "although Huayao entered Gu by way of acquisition, we all know that what you value is our technical personnel. I hope we can be frank with each other on this point."

For a moment, several people on the conference table looked at each other face to face. After a pause, Wang Shi looked at me and said, "director Shen, I believe you know better than us. Since this year, Fu Shenyan, the president of Fu's company, also intends to buy us Huayao. We originally had this plan, but recently, for some unknown reason, Fu's company suddenly gave up the acquisition of Huayao. We want to know what is the reason Are you involved? "

I was stunned. I had no contact with Huayao's people, and almost never made the city headlines. Looking at the person who asked me, I was stunned and said, "well, I was the project director of Fu before!"

Half an hour later, I sat back in my seat. Some of Huayao's shareholders were puzzled and said, "did director Shen work for Fu before?"

Gu Han picked his eyebrows, got up and said, "Gu is a special technology-based company. Of course, there are also jade and jewelry industries, but what we are good at in the end is technology. Most of the reasons why we plan to acquire Huayao are that we value Huayao's research on AI technology. Of course, we have requirements to acquire Huayao. In the last year, if Huayao does not develop new products A generation of AI intelligent technology, Huayao will be completely developed as an ordinary technology company, the money and manpower we invested in Huayao will be withdrawn, and we will make profits in other ways. "

His words made most of the shareholders on the meeting table pale, which means that even if Gu acquired Huayao, Huayao would be disintegrated by the market if it did not get the result that Gu wanted.

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