He nodded, "but it's medicine after all. It's more or less harmful!"

"It's OK. Please give it to me later."

Tossing for a long time, I was dizzy and sleepy, and I fell asleep in a daze.

Fu Shenyan took me back to my bedroom. Cheng Junyu gave me some medicine, and the pain in my lower abdomen gradually eased.

Fu Shenyan has good driving skills and fast speed. He soon arrived at the villa. Cheng Junyu originally went back to get the medicine and came quickly.

I was relieved.

After a pause, he started the car and headed for the villa.

Afraid of how much he thought, I began to explain, "after the operation, he is helping me to recuperate, he knows what to do!"

He frowned, a little displeased.

I was in a cold sweat and grabbed him. Looking at his dark eyes, I shook my head and said, "send me back to the villa. Let doctor Cheng come. He has medicine!"

He started the car and said, "hold on, let's go to the hospital!"

I nodded, forehead has begun to have broken sweat tut overflow.

The whole person covered his belly and curled up. Fu Shenyan twisted his eyebrows. His big palm fell on my belly and said, "it hurts?"

Fu Shenyan frowned and took me out of the nightclub. I was a little dizzy. I didn't know how Cheng Junyu got there. When Fu Shenyan put me in the car, I just felt a terrible pain in my lower abdomen.

Here she means me!

Cheng Junyu was left. He grabbed Fu Shenyan's glass and looked at him. "If you don't want her to have an accident, take her back quickly!"

Qiao cautiously looks at Fu Shenyan and opens his mouth. For a moment, he doesn't know what to say. He simply follows Lu Xinran.

I could hear the voice with anger and grievance.

Fu Shenyan didn't know how much he had drunk. Lu Xinran suddenly stood up, looked at Qiao and said, "you take me back!"

I feel sick in my stomach. I want to retch several times. I am held by Fu Shenyan. I can't get rid of it. I can't help it with my only consciousness.

"She's my wife. I'll drink the rest!" With that, he drank the rest of the wine. Lu Xinran looked at him and his eyes turned red for a moment.

Fiercely blocked by a force, and then I was pulled into a familiar arms, Qiao Jinyan looked at Fu Shenyan, puzzled, "third brother, you?"

"You let me go!" I was already a little dizzy. At this time, I felt angry and aggrieved. I pushed Cheng Junyu away and reached for a glass of wine.

Cheng juanyu saw Duan mu, held down my hand to lift the wine glass, looked at Fu Shenyan and said, "Shenyan, she is still your wife now. You know her body, it's too late for you to regret if something goes wrong."

With that, I lifted the full glass, and forced myself to resist the urge of nausea. I poured a few glasses down. I was not good at drinking. When I got to the third cup, my lower abdomen ached faintly.

I went to the table, looked at Joe and said, "I hope Joe doesn't break his promise!"

See me, he a pair of black eyes sink sink, then indifferent moved away.

Fu Shenyan and Lu Xinran sat next to each other. He didn't know what Lu Xinran said to him. He nodded his head.

I was too lazy to pay attention to him. I took a look at the table. Except for the cup I had just drunk, the rest were placed unsealed.

I got up and went out of the bathroom. Qiao Jingyan ordered a song on the big screen. He was singing without a word. Seeing me coming back, he squinted and said, "why, can't I have a drink?"

In my sleep, I heard Fu Shenyan call me, but I was too sleepy to open my eyes. I vaguely knew that he seemed to be changing my clothes and carrying me into the bathroom to give me a bath.

Subconsciously, I want to refuse, but I can't wake up.

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