He sneered, "were you with Fu Shenyan last night?"

I nodded, "Well!"

He nodded, "don't worry about Lu Xinran. Just listen to me."

I was stunned. Thinking of Gu Han's mother's birthday party last time, I was stunned and nodded, "OK, I'm going to go to the countryside these days. I haven't contacted her recently. I don't know if she's OK."

Join the genealogy?

"When are you going back to Beijing? Third uncle is going back recently. He asked me to tell you in advance about your joining the genealogy. I have a preparation.

I think so.

He said, "big trees catch wind!"

Looking at him, I was puzzled and said, "what's the matter? Someone's going to do something to the Mo family? "

He ha ha a few, disdain a way, "not urgent, after a while, he also wants cold."

I shrugged, "you should pay attention to your own safety. Lin Wan and Lu Xinran are not difficult to deal with, but if you annoy Mo Zhicheng, he will be in trouble. If this man uses the underworld, we can't kill him with ten lives."

He picked eyebrows, stuffed a bun in his mouth and said, "do you think I'm so stupid?"

"You didn't leave any evidence for Lu Xinran to do these things, did you?" Listen to what Lin Wan said last night, it should be that I did it.

He's a real sweetheart.


He nodded, "originally called and said Lu Xinran thing, but you did not answer, also pull black I, angry all night did not sleep."

He handed him a piece of breakfast and said, "did you stay up all night?"

I pursed my lips and didn't open my mouth.

There was a voice of disdain in his ear. "Only Fu Shenyan, a man with a brain full of water, can use such mean means."

This man is really - naive.

I nodded, took out my mobile phone and looked at it. Sure enough, Fu Shenyan not only blacklisted his phone, but also blacklisted wechat.

He gave me a white look and said, "take out your cell phone and let me out of the blacklist."

I couldn't say what I felt for a moment. I pursed my lips slightly and said, "well, you've done it for me before I start. It looks like I'm retarded."

He nodded, "I also specially popularized the production process of ghost mantong for her. I specially told her that the production time of ghost mantong was 7-8 months, just eight months for her baby."

I Leng about a few seconds, reaction, staring at him, said, "you will show that thing to her?"

"Have you ever heard of the ghost man boy in Thailand?" He picked his eyebrows and signed the bill. He could not see any emotion.


He squinted, yawned and looked sleepy. "I showed her all the pictures of the child and added something to her."

I was stunned, thinking of Lin Wan's words last night, "what did you show Lu Xinran?"

He was in a bad mood. Looking at me, he said, "Lu Xinran was in hospital last night. It's estimated that the child can't live."

Who's crazy to call in the middle of the night?

I pursed my lips and gave him two words, "deserve it!"

He nodded. "Two or three in the morning!"

"You called me last night?" Otherwise, how can Fu Shenyan pull him black.

So, is it Fu Shenyan who pulled the black?

He disdained, "no wonder!"

I nodded and didn't say much. I got out of the car, looked at the dark sky and sighed. Maybe it's all my life!

Lu Xinran's baby, I didn't want to But at this point, I can't say anything.

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