Ignoring his words, I hurt him with my knee while he wasn't paying attention.

"Ah He ate pain, released me, I took the opportunity to push him away, climbed out of the bathtub.

Lu Qi nodded, his face was not very good, and said, "hurry up!"

Mr. Li did not react. He looked at Lu Qi and frowned, "did you bring her here?"

I got up with the wall on the ground, calmed down and nodded, "well, since I'm worried, I have to report it sooner or later, right?"

They both looked at me at the same time. Lu Qi looked at me and said, "are you the one who did this?"

Two people a Leng, then look at each other, realize wrong.

Lu Qi pursed his lips, "I didn't call you, and the Mo family didn't contact me."

"Don't you mean to talk to me about something? I didn't plan to come here. You said it was urgent. The Mo family gave me a new task. " The man frowned at me and said, "what's the situation?"

Lu Qi, still dripping with water, frowned at him and said, "when did I call you?"

See me, that person also Leng for a while, look to land chess way, "this kind of circumstance you call me to do what?"

What I saw was Mr. Li, the middle-aged man who kidnapped me in the parking lot.

In just a few minutes, I was tortured by land chess and crawled out of the bathroom for help.

I was stunned. Lu Qi was also stunned. He threw me away and started to open the door.

It's not Fu Shenyan.

The sound Is it the voice of a middle-aged man?

The knock on the door outside is still ringing. Maybe no one has responded for a long time. Outside, he says in a loud voice, "Lu Qi, open the door!"

Said, raised his hand to choke me, almost to my life rhythm.

He squinted at me, "Shen Shu, you want to die!"

There was a loud knock on the outside door, which interrupted the move of land chess.

If Han Shuang doesn't come again, I'm really going to crash.

"Ah He was disgusted and bit it directly. My eyes were full of pain and I was disgusted.

I gasped in pain and glared at him angrily, "Lu Qi, you'd better not let me have a chance to go out."

He stayed at the edge of the mouth of the clothes, squinted at me and said, "when I see you, I can't help but want to destroy you. I don't know if Fu Shenyan will dislike you if he sees you!"

When I was paralyzed on the ground, I was beaten so that I didn't have the appearance of resistance. He hooked his lips and laughed. He came to me and squatted down.

I couldn't bear his strength. I hit the sink directly, and my forehead and lower abdomen hurt so much that I couldn't breathe.

Maybe the slap was not enough. He lifted me up and kicked me in the lower abdomen.

He had a tendency to violence, at this time in the hotel without restraint, more wanton.

"What are you doing? You've taken the initiative to send them to the door. What are you pretending to do?" This man's hand is extremely heavy. After a few slaps, my face has already swollen into a ball.

He instantly got out of the bathtub, grabbed my hair, pulled me up, raised his hand and fanned me down.

No gravity, this hit, I directly lie on the ground, was hit seven meat and eight vegetables, the whole body is full of hot pain.

Lu Qi was so cruel that he grabbed my ankle and dragged me to the ground.

"It's too late!" Leaning against the wall, I opened my mouth, but my body was still in pain. "You two think I've suffered so much, will you leave at last?"

"Pa!" This slap is a middle-aged man to land chess, he was angry, "you give stupid, do you know who she is? Who do you want to do? You have to do her. You're looking for death. "

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