Looking at the spirit, it seems that something is wrong. I looked at Gu Han and said, "you'd better take my aunt to the hospital. She seems to be a little wrong now."

Few people can stand such a big stimulation. Gu Han takes a look at Fu Qingyin and helps Xu Hui out of Gu's house.

the faint smell of perfume on his body made my unconscious eyebrows slightly frown.

He smiles, walks up to me and lies at my desk to see what I'm looking at.

Seeing him, I couldn't help looking back at him from the computer and said, "back!"

Probably because I'm not in my bedroom, so I came to my study.

When Fu Shenyan came back, it was already a little late.

Midway, sister-in-law Zhang asked me to have dinner. I was so absorbed in it that I asked her not to disturb me.

I simply went back to my comfort. At noon, I read a lot of documents in the company, and I was not familiar with some key words mentioned in the middle, so I could check them at this time.

I went directly back to the villa. I thought Fu Shenyan had come back, but I didn't expect that he was not there.

It's already dark when we go out to look after our family.

At that time, because of Lu Xinran, when her baby came to me, I was ready. She was a person who put interests first.

I frown, no longer speak with her, maybe not a group of people, how hard can not come together.

She glared at me angrily, "thanks for killing Fu's daughter-in-law and turning her elbow out. If you are blind, you will look like you."

Everyone has their own choice. When she chose to follow Gu Hengyang, she already thought that there would be one day in the end. Sooner or later, it would be a matter of time.

Looking at her suffering, I didn't want to sympathize with her at all. Looking at her, I said, "aunt, uncle Gu gave you more than half of Gu's shares, as well as the emergency money in those years, which you are willing to exchange. Over the years, he has been with you, and he has given you love and care. You can't be too greedy. You have enjoyed his money and love. Now that others are gone, you start to love Is it appropriate to complain that he is delaying your life? "

She looked at me and squinted, "are you talking for Gu Han? My life is not life? Because of her, my life has been ruined. I didn't marry the one I love, and I didn't have the one who can keep my white head with me. After all, I'm the poor one. "

After enduring and hating for half a lifetime, she finally finds out that it's her fault, that is, she hates and loves the wrong person. She can't live a good life for the rest of her life.

I can't help frowning. I always feel that her words are full of malice. Looking at her, I can't help but say, "aunt, uncle Gu's plan is his scruples. All he wants in his life is to keep the reputation of his first wife. You take most of her life."

"Oh She sneered, "he's just worried about Xu Hui's feelings and reputation. What's his plan?"

I was stunned, stunned, looked back at her, stunned and then said, "Uncle Gu didn't want to say when he was alive, maybe he had his own plan."

After a few steps, she said, "do you think I'm wrong? Shouldn't you tell these old stories? "

Fu Qingyin and I were left in Gu's family. Looking at this indifferent woman, I said more, but said faintly, "aunt, it's late. I'll go back first."

I don't use perfume at all, and he seldom uses it. Besides, the smell of perfume is on women.

Originally up smile was pulled down, I got up to avoid his hand to pull my action, straight back to the bedroom.

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