He raised his hand, followed the hair behind my ears, and sighed silently, "I don't want you to see him, not for a moment!"

After a pause, he said, "Gu Han is kind to you, I know, but I can see what he thinks of you. Shen Shu, promise me to stay away from him as far as possible, eh?"

The car stops in the city center, Fu Qingyin also gets off the car, and her driver goes directly to Gu.

Some empty heart, after a lifetime, he was alone, no longer concerned, freedom is lonely.

I nodded and didn't say much. Gu Hanli's lonely figure in front of the tombstone echoed in my mind.

When Fu Qingyin got on the bus, she gave a long breath and said, "I'll be careful to come and pick you up later. I'll ask the driver to take you to the center of the city. I'll be careful to wait for you there."

I opened my mouth and didn't say a word of those comforting words.

"Xiaoshu, let's go!" Looking at Gu Han, Fu Qingyin pulls me to go.

After Xu Hui's accident, Gu Han's bloodthirsty spirit became stronger.

The slender jade like body was covered with frost, cold and murderous.

After making a few deep bows in front of the cemetery and saying goodbye to Gu Hengyang, Fu Qingyin takes a look at Gu Han, who has been standing in front of the tombstone for a long time. In a few days, he has become more and more cold and fierce.

Around but worship and send spirit, held a burial ceremony, nervous for several days Fu Qingyin finally let go.

Fu Qingyin got up early to prepare the time for Gu Hengyang's funeral. When all the guests worshiped Gu Hengyang, the funeral was in the afternoon.

Take care of your family, funeral day.

For a while and a half, we can't find a suitable house. When Gu Hengyang's funeral comes, Fu Qingyin has to deal with Gu Hengyang's funeral.

After living for so many years, Fu Qingyin is naturally unwilling to find a house worse than Gu's. after all, she is not short of money.

Indeed, such as Gu's environment, geographical location and other aspects of the house are the best, even if the rich can hardly buy it.

After a few days, I feel like I'm freezing to death. When I look at my house every day, Fu Qingyin is not satisfied with it. Either the lighting is absolutely bad or it's not close to the downtown.

Gu's family was left to Gu Han by Gu Hengyang, so after the funeral, Fu Qingyin would move out.

After Fu Shenyan left, Fu Qingyin went upstairs and took me for a walk. In a few days, Gu Hengyang's funeral will be held. She wants to find a new house.

The next day.

But in the end, I have nothing to do with it. I don't know what kind of existence Fu Shenyan is. I can only be silent.

Fu Shenyan is very busy. It's still the hospital. All the hospitals have accidents. If it wasn't for his strong ability, I'm afraid Fu would have been crushed by the public opinion.


I can't help blushing, subconsciously to hide, he caught, and then all the way down the strategy.

He pursed his lips, pressed me in his arms, turned over and pressed me under his body, "then make it up to me, eh?"

I nodded, rubbed toward his arms and said, "I know it's an accident today. Living under a roof, where can we not meet? After uncle Gu's funeral, we'll go home. We won't see him in the future."

I was a little puzzled, "don't you go to Gu's?"

With a sigh, she looked at the driver's direction and said, "I'll go later..."

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