It seemed that he wanted me to beg him, so he moved more and more.

"When you stand in front of the car regardless of everything, you mean it at that moment, don't you?" He was kissing me, breathing a little.

Hung up the phone, not long after Fu Shenyan came out of the bathroom, he was stained with water vapor, dried water vapor before climbing into bed.

I can't figure out who this woman is for a moment, so I don't care.

"You're welcome, Miss Shen!" I said thank you and hung up.

I pause a way, "trouble him to help me pay attention to Gu Han's affairs, in addition, ask him to help me pay attention to Fu Qingyin, thank you!"

The woman said, "he's taking a bath. He'll be out in about five minutes. If you trust me enough, you can tell me. I'll tell you. If not, you can call back in five minutes."

Simply open a way, "please, I look for Shen Yu!"

It's not Shen Yu who answers the phone. It's a woman's voice. I listen to some voices, but I can't remember them for a while.

Touch the mobile phone, turn over the address book, call Shen Yu in the past.

So much has happened that my head hurts so much that I can't sleep at all.

But I didn't expect that even if I didn't do anything, Fu Shenyan also looked at me with a look of desire and discontent. For a long time, he entered the bathroom sullen.

With that, I pulled the quilt, wrapped it tightly, and then closed my eyes to go to sleep.

I covered my head, ignored him, glared at him and said, "Fu Shenyan, if you touch me again, it's not as simple as kicking out of bed."

He took advantage of the situation to sit up, looked at me for a time angry and laughing, suddenly lost interest, looked at me, said, "Shen Shu, how are you!"

In a fit of anger, I raised my foot and kicked him out of bed without thinking about it. He was almost unprepared and rolled down. There was a carpet under the bed and he was OK.

"Touch!" Because I didn't pay attention, I bumped into the bedside table and felt a little stuffy.

See him to pull my clothes, I subconsciously back to hide.

He frowned, his handsome features darkened, raised his hand and pulled open his bathrobe, blocking my resistance into my mouth.

My mind is full of pictures of Gu Han lying in a pool of blood. In my heart, I felt uncomfortable and emotional. I raised my hand to push him away. "Fu Shenyan, I said, I don't want to, I don't want to, can't you hear me?"

I subconsciously frown, open mouth, "Fu Shenyan, I don't want to!"

For a long time, he took back his eyes, dark pupils slightly closed, voice low magnetic, "Shen Shu, how long have we not done?"

Silence each other, the longer the silence, the colder the temperature in the air, and the more unpredictable the warm anger of his face.

I pursed my lips, didn't want to answer his meaning, I can't tell what is love and guilt, many times I am fuzzy.

He looks a little warm on the mood, slightly squinting, waiting for my answer.

Ten fingers linked, he tight I feel a little uncomfortable, "you to Gu Han, is guilt, or love?"? Is it the same as me? "Yes?"

I have the intention to avoid him, turn my back to him, he goes to bed, pull me in my arms, I subconsciously want to avoid.

Be held down by him, "be good, I won't touch you!"

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