She nodded, looked at me and said, "in addition, I've been looking for someone to check. Chen Changhe's wife, who has been a housewife at home a few years ago, basically has no time and ability to run a large-scale farm. In fact, Chen Changhe spent more than 100000 yuan to buy a mountain farm in a remote mountain village, lost some chicken seedlings and found a local uncle to look at it, I haven't been in charge of it for decades. "

I probably understand what he means. This breeding company is a gimmick. There may not be any income at all. The registered accounts of this company are all the places where Chen Changhe and these businessmen trade money and power.

She and Fu Qingyin are in the hall. They are enjoying tea and chatting. They seem to have a good time.

When I went back to my villa, it was a bit late. I was surprised that I could see Lu Xinran, an unexpected guest, when I came back so late.

See her so, I don't say much, not really light chat a few words, she had something to go.

She smile, light drink a coffee way, "you don't need to thank, you help me deal with Lu Qi, I help you work, this is the basic perseverance, don't need to thank."

I nodded, collected all the information she gave me, looked at her and said, "thank you for that."

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm not sure, but recently I found that someone seems to have turned over the video of Lin Wan when he was young, and there are still many people involved in it. By the way, Chen Changhe's wife should be a good target. Although you can't find out the power and money transaction, you can't find out the power and color transaction."

"Third party?" I can't help but wonder, "what else did Lin Wan offend?"

Seeing that I was pinching my eyebrows, she paused and said, "you can try to start with Ang Lee. He is not so loyal to Lin Wan. Besides, it seems that there is a third party's intervention in this matter, and some people want to pull Lin Wan down."

I have a headache. Even if I tell Shen Changlin about this, I'm afraid there's no way to directly explain what's wrong with Lin Wan.

If you don't know the inside information, you can't find out anything. Now even if you know the inside information, it's hard to convict Chen Changhe. After all, these are very reasonable transactions.


She said with a smile, "I was thinking about this at the beginning, but later I found out that there is a quick-frozen game market under Ang Lee's name. No matter how much capital interaction they have, they are normal market demand transactions, which are reasonable and legal."

"In what name did Ang Lee transfer money with Chen Changhe?" Ang Lee's company is an audit company. Although it can be connected with all companies, their transfer is an output, not an input. It's not appropriate for the audit company to make money for the breeding company!

Han Shuang shook his head, "no, Lin Wan is very cautious. The company under her name doesn't need to cooperate with the breeding company, so her transfer is through Ang Lee!"

After a pause, I looked at her and said, "is there Lin Wan's transfer on the account of this breeding company?"

No wonder Shen Changlin has been investigating for such a long time and has never found anything. Chen Changhe has been winding too long.

Seeing me, Fu Qingyin smiles and waves to me, "Xiaoshu, you're back. Miss Lu and I talked about you just now."

I frowned, and the hypocrisy was painful.

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