I pinched my eyebrows and shook my head lightly. "It's OK. I can make it through."

"Why don't we meet tomorrow and I'll take you to the doctor?"

Shen Yu probably didn't expect Fu Shenyan to be there. After a moment's silence on the other end of the phone, he sneered, "private words? Mr. Fu really puts a light on his face. Have you ever seen that couple talk privately and have time to listen to the phone? " This is the soft spot of Fu Shenyan.

I am not happy, just want to say no, Fu Shenyan said, his face is gloomy, "Mr. Shen is still calling so late, is to listen to the private words between our husband and wife?"

"You wait for me tomorrow. I'll take you to see a doctor," he said

I frown, saw one eye, still Shen Yu, not from picked up.

He followed up, circled me, I had been left on the side of the phone and remember.

"Love to go there, love to go there!" I pursed my lips, pushed him out of bed, some tired eyes closed to sleep.

He pulled me, didn't feel that I was angry with him now, hugged me and said, "where are you going to let me go?"

For a moment, my face turned red. I looked at him with suppressed anger and said, "Fu Shenyan, are you finished? You go out. "

Noticing my movements, he lowered his voice and said in my ear, "there's a reaction, eh?"

He looks a little embarrassed.

For a time, I didn't control my body and heart well, and subconsciously grasped his arm.

He hook lips, handsome face with some ruffian airway, "that is jealous." Press me in his arms, his voice with a bit of magnetism around, "Shen Shu, you love me, right?"

Pushed him, but did not push away, to avoid his falling lips, I frown, "Fu Shenyan, your confidence, think I will be jealous, I need to be jealous?"

He burst out laughing and pressed me, "sweetheart? Shen Shu, how can I listen so sour? What, jealous? "

"Are you bored?" I am a little angry, glaring at him, "your sweetheart is still downstairs, you are so unscrupulous, not afraid she came up to see, heartbroken?"

He was stunned for a moment, frowned and pulled me into his arms again. His voice was hoarse. "Can't you do this between husband and wife? "Yes?"

But just a few seconds later, he pushed him away and said, "Fu Shenyan, let me go!"

I was a little confused. I didn't expect that he would suddenly be like this.

I opened my mouth and wanted to ask, but he suddenly leaned over, put his arms around my waist and lowered his head on my lips.

I can't help frowning. How much did Shen Yu and I heard just now?

Aware of someone behind me, I turned back and saw Fu Shenyan, who didn't know when he was standing behind me, looking at me coldly.

Maybe because of Lu Xinran's relationship, I am inexplicably irritable and leave my mobile phone aside.

With that, I just hung up.

"No!" I am a little fidgety, tone some heavy way, "Shen Yu, I have something I will say, well, early rest."

Fu Shenyan's hand on my waist was too strong to allow me to move. He said to the phone, "don't Shen know about the fun between husband and wife?"

"Oh! Is it? This kind of fun is quite rare. Why, when Mr. Fu and Miss Lu were together, he also called Xiaoshu like this? "

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