She looked a little collapsed, emotionally unstable pulling me, aggrieved and painful, but also with resentment.

I know light looking at her, some indifference way, "Miss Lu or less ask why, ask more cause and effect it!"

She was breathing more and more heavily. It seemed that she couldn't accept my calmness. She wanted to hit me, but she held back.

I shrugged and said, "I wish you well in advance. No matter what he will do to me in the future, it doesn't matter to me now. The days are so long. Who knows what will happen in the future, right?"

Back to see Lu Xinran face provocative looking at me, unbridled way, "he is your husband, but one day he will hate you, time is the best explanation, at that time, no matter what I become, as long as I need him, he will do well for me, Shen Shu, you think you win, in fact, you lose."

I'm a bit absent-minded. Fu Shenyan is very thoughtful.

She laughed angrily, looked at me and sneered, "do you really think I care what you get? I can't be with Fu Shenyan, but he can't let me go. Knowing that my mother has an accident, he has arranged the way for me. Even if I don't have mo family to rely on, he has contacted me abroad and arranged my clothes, food, housing and transportation. Shen Shu, you still have to live in my shadow after all. I have a hard time, and you can't think about it. "

I let her go, looked at her faintly and said with a smile, "you don't have to look at me like this. I know you hate me, but I can't help it. Everything you care about in the end is with me. All Lu Xinran, I'm sorry."

Her angry eyes glared at me, dark eyes full of hatred, anger, and malicious killing.

"Shen Shu, you bitch!" She raised her hand to slap me, but unfortunately, I stopped her.

Looking at Lu Xinran's white face, I shrugged and said casually, "don't say, I'm still looking forward to the situation of your mother and daughter."

At this point, I smile, gloomy terror, "do you think that for a woman walking in the cloud, she suddenly lost everything she was proud of, and finally can only come back to the same place in poverty, can she bear it? By the way, it's said that mofflin, the youngest daughter of the Mo family, has come back. It seems that your mother and daughter are in a bad situation now. If they have nothing again, it's hard to imagine their situation. "

Squinting at her angry eyes, I became more and more indifferent. "Next, she will be bribed, killed, engaged in improper transactions and imprisoned by the police. After that, all the assets in her name will be confiscated in the form of auction and mortgage. Finally, even if Mo Zhicheng has the ability to get her out of prison safely, she will have nothing at that time 。”

I pursed my lips, my heart was full of anger, and my negative emotions wrapped me up. Looking at her disgusting face, I was silent and suddenly laughed, "so it seems that your mother shouldn't stay in this world anymore. You don't know what her next fate will be. I'd like to popularize it with you."

She sneered, eager to tear me, "you are retribution, you deserve it, you rob brother Shenyan first, the child originally came at a wrong time, he did not want to appear in this world, he deserved to die early."

Looking at Lu Xinran's current situation, Lin Wan is mostly checked. Shen Yu's handling ability is unusual!

"Come on, what are you going to do next? Shen Shu, since we've torn our faces, you don't have to hide them. "

I smile, holding hands can't help but feel funny, "why do you have to confess? I've been bad since I was a child. I not only remember revenge, but also like tormenting people when I revenge. It's interesting to torment people when I don't kill too much. It's the same loss of things she cares about, her powerlessness and her collapse. All these are my pleasure of revenge. Is it still interesting to say it? "

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