When Gu Hengyang died, Fu Qingyin used these things to drive Xu Hui crazy. Later, she couldn't bear the inner condemnation and jumped off a building to commit suicide.

But I've never told anyone about these things. How could they?

He hugged me and continued, "in addition, Shen Changlin wants to hold a bigger genealogical ceremony for you. The world will be set before the new year. What's more, you've been planning for so long about Lin Wan, and you're about to succeed in the long run. Don't you plan to stay and have a good look? "

I nodded.

"Now the weather in M country is at least ten degrees lower than that in the capital, so you are not fit to go to m country at this time. Do you know that?"

It's rare that he has so much patience to talk with me. I nodded, looked at him and said, "you say it!"

After the wound was wrapped up, Fu Shenyan took me to his side and said calmly, "let's sit down and discuss this matter calmly, OK?"

I sighed, "I'm just too worried about them. You said Dr. Cheng was in M country, but I asked him to keep an eye on Jon and Muzi. It seems that he hasn't brought me any information."

He frowned, "the Spring Festival is coming soon. Can't we wait until the end of the new year?"

It seems that he didn't want to worry me, and I didn't mention it. He just said, "I may go to country m to find Jon and Muzi. I may go for several days."

He said with a smile and shaking his head, "if the company wants to expand, it will inevitably encounter some obstacles, which can be solved. Don't worry."

Recently, he has become more and more haggard.

I don't understand, I don't want to, lift eyes to look at Fu Shenyan way, "Fu's there all right?"

It's impossible for the two old people in the Xu family to know. Who knows except Fu Qingyin and me?

It's just that I can't figure out why the people who know about it are so good. Why are they so detailed?

I pursed my lips, not a promise. Gu Han's death has always been my psychological hindrance. I can't get over it. Fu Qingyin is not distressed at all. On the contrary, I think it's her due retribution.

He sank his eyes, some unfathomable, "you don't need to take care of this matter any more. In fact, it has nothing to do with us. I'll deal with it with my aunt."

I nodded and tilted my head to bandage his wound. I couldn't help sighing, "it's like someone's going to intervene in aunt's business."

"Silly!" He raised his hand to touch my face, deep vision, "how precious a girl's face is, next time we must learn to hide, eh?"

I pursed my lips and sighed, "don't be so impulsive next time."

He shakes his head, smiles, "heartache?"

"Does it hurt?" Hand is the most sensitive part of body pain, not to mention the palm of his hand.

I lowered my head to wash Fu Shenyan's wound. Some of the blood had coagulated and some of it was black.

In the bedroom.

I took the medicine box from sister-in-law Zhang and followed him to the bedroom.

With that, Fu Shenyan took me out of the kitchen and directly took me to the bedroom.

Fu Shenyan's face is expressionless, "then wait until you find the evidence to find her trouble."

Fu Qingyin looked at him incredulously, so angry that he couldn't say a word, "Fu Shenyan, you are stupid. All three members of the family are dead, and she and I are the only ones alive. Can I discredit myself at this time?"

Fu Shenyan nodded, looked at Fu Qingyin and said coldly, "she said that if it's not her, it must not be her. You'd better come up with evidence. Otherwise, if you move her again, I won't be polite."

I shook my head. "No!"

Fu Shenyan looked at me, slightly frowned, "did you do it?"

I was stunned for a few seconds. I looked at him in surprise and said, "you You always knew? "

He chuckled, raised his hand to scratch my nose, and said with a smile, "otherwise, you think Han Shuang, a woman with bare hands, can get information that you can't get in the capital so easily?"

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