After half a dull sound, I said slowly, "what if I don't stop? What's Lin's plan? "

She picked eyebrows, black eyes full of fierce, "with my financial resources and the power of the Mo family, can let you with the whole Fu disappeared in the capital."

He chuckled, "you girl, there are so many ghost ideas. OK, I'll contact Mr. Xu later. I'll see you in the evening."

I took a look at her and continued on the phone, "third uncle, let's call grandpa Xu and grandma Cheng. If it's not for their fate, we can't have this fate. We should invite them to have dinner together to express our gratitude."

Fu Qingyin looked at me and squinted. There was a purpose in his beautiful eyebrows.

Shen Changlin laughed over the phone and said, "you girl, you must have something to ask me. Let's have dinner together in the evening. There is a Hunan restaurant in the southern suburb of Beijing, which tastes very good. Let's have a good dinner in the evening and have a good talk."

"Yes, good morning, uncle. Do you have time recently? You've been busy since you came back from Jiangcheng. My brother and I want to have a dinner with you and your family. Do you have time recently? "

About three, the phone was connected, "Xiaoshu, have you had breakfast?"

"Yes!" I opened my mouth, took out my mobile phone and dialed Shen Changlin in front of her life.

Fu Qingyin was still confused and hesitated for about five seconds. She put down her milk cup and said, "OK, but I want to add one. You must persuade the Xu family not to interfere with Gu's future development."

"We work together!" I opened my mouth, and sister-in-law Zhang brought me breakfast. I couldn't bear it. I said thank you lightly.

Her breakfast hand suddenly stopped, squinting at me, "what do you mean?"

I turned a blind eye, sat down in front of her and said, "I need all the dirty videos about Lin Wan in your hand. I can take care of my family. I can come out from old Xu."

See me, face is very bad, want to kill me with eyes.

Hung up the phone, I did not rush out, but into the villa, Fu Qingyin has been up, sitting in the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"OK, you wait for my call."

"If you can, today."

"Yes, when?"

"Well!" I said, "I want to talk to him about something, OK?"

He is a Leng, "see what he does? Isn't he useless? "

I nodded and said, "can you arrange it for me? I want to see Ang Lee!"

He said, "there was something wrong in a city last night. I went to deal with it. I came back a little late."

I can't help but pause and say, "sleeping?"

"What's the matter?" There was a strong sense of tiredness in his voice, and he was a little tired.

I took out my cell phone and dialed Shen Yu, who was connected after two calls.

Yes! If it's like this, why should we be lenient.

After getting out of the car, I watched her drive away indifferently, and the memories in my heart eroded me again and again.

I press down the mood in the heart, smile, "accompany to the end!"

Her face turned pale, and her lips were covered with delicate lipstick. For a long time, she sneered, "since Miss Shen is not willing to reconcile, let's rely on our own abilities to see who can get to the end."

I laugh, but more indifferent than cry, "Mr. Lin, you said that as a mother, you can't help watching your child leave you. If it was you, would you let it go? I don't think so. I won't do it all my life, will I? "

After a pause, I continued, "but I can't. After all, I'm young. My life experience is not as rich as that of Mr. Lin. I really can't laugh it off. In the dead of night, I often wake up in my dreams. My mind is full of baby's sad cry and blood all over the ground. Mr. Lin probably hasn't heard the cry of baby's despair, but I've heard it, and I can even feel it when he asked me to save him And despair. "

I almost burst out laughing, suppressed the sneer in my heart, and I looked at her, "Mr. Lin is really a person who has experienced great storms. He has a broad mind. You can let go of big things in a word."

She said with a smile and some leisure and elegance, "how about it? If you stop now, at least we won't have to be enemies in the future? "

I laughed, clutching my chin and nodding, "well, you do have this ability."

I nodded, reserved a few words, then hung up.

Fu Qingyin looked at me and couldn't help smiling. "I'm very curious. Why do you suddenly agree to help me?"

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