At this point, I have done what I should say and do. What I want to do next depends on the two old people.

After dinner, it was already nine o'clock. She told the driver to send Shen Changlin and the two old people away. Shen Yu looked at me and said, "take me home? "Yes?"

He nodded, a little distracted.

I can't help looking at him, frowning, "you seem to have been mentioning this matter recently, I have said that since they have abandoned me, it means they don't want me. If I have been entangled in this issue, I may not be able to get out of the shadow of being abandoned by them all my life, I might as well let it go and forget."

Seeing me like this, he hesitated and said, "Xiaoshu, do you really feel indifferent to your biological parents?"

I pick eyebrows, "smart!"

He took the document and looked at it, tut tut twice. He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. "Career, reputation, you are almost broken. The next step is to start with the people she cares about the most?"

"Yes! Her reputation is very important to her present position. If it's ruined, Mrs. Mo's identity will be ruined. The Mo family attaches great importance to reputation, and it's no more than three things. If it goes on like this, she will leave the Mo family sooner or later. "

I threw Fu Qingyin's file bag to him and said, "take this. Recently, you should properly throw some interesting things on the major media. First, boil the frogs in warm water and hang them in the air. Anyway, every video of her reputation is enough for her."

He said with a smile, "so, what deal did you make with Fu Qingyin to promise her to plead for her in front of the two old people in the Xu family?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, but since this man can know these things, it shows that he is very close to Gu's family. Wait slowly. Since he has done all of them, he can't give up like this. Fu Qingyin doesn't hurt. He should continue to deal with them."

For a long time, he couldn't think of it. He looked at me and said, "who do you think it will be?"

"It's not the Xu family, it's not you. Who else will interfere in this matter?" He frowned and thought with his fingers between his eyebrows.

"I don't have such a good writing style!" The article was written by a reporter, deliberately throwing dirty water on Fu Qingyin.

He said, "that article was not written by you?"

"Someone should also want to avenge Gu Han. A few days ago, someone published an article about the death of three members of Gu's family in the headlines of the capital. They were basically scolding Fu Qingyin for not knowing good or bad, snake or scorpion woman." The green light is on. I start the car.

He wondered, "what do you mean?"

At the intersection of traffic lights, I stopped and waited for the green light. I looked at him sideways and raised my eyebrows. "Solve the problem of Lin Wan first. Should someone find her to settle Fu Qingyin's account?"

He squinted, looked at me and said, "explain, because of Fu Shenyan, can you be so inundated? Gu Han's kindness to you is not as simple as saving your life. You know exactly why Gu Han died. Don't you feel guilty? "

I hold the steering wheel, light mouth, "like to remove!"

He looked at me several times, but he didn't hold his mouth and said, "I just listened to your voice. How could it be like speaking for Fu Qingyin?"

In the car.

All right!

He shrugged. "I just came with my uncle. I didn't drive!"

I pursed my lips. "You didn't drive?"

The car stopped at the downstairs of the villa where he lived. I looked at him and saw that his eyes were drooping and his black eyes were deeply hesitant. It seemed that he had something on his mind.

For a long time, he came back and looked at me very seriously, "Xiaoshu, are you still hating me?"

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