I looked at him as like as two peas. "I didn't want to avoid it." even if it's just a friend, he can't help but see him, and I owe him a life.

He got up and approached me with a cold breath in a low voice. "What do I think? Do you know? "

I don't know why I become so calm at such a time, and I can even speak these disputes so clearly.

Touching his cold eyes, I subconsciously retreated and felt a faint pain in my heart. "You wrote the divorce agreement, and you always hinted at me. No matter what, you can't let go of Lu Xinran's responsibility, and I also feel guilty for Gu Han. In this way, it's good for us to separate, and that's good..."

"Divorce?" His thin lips outlined a funny arc, "Shen Shu, what does this marriage look like to you? Deal? For a while? You can blurt out the word divorce as soon as you open your mouth. How many times have you repeated it in your heart before you are so skilled? Well

The man's eyes flashed cold light eyes, black eyes full of cold anger, a hand on the desk computer and debris swept on the ground, smashed to pieces.

I'm more willing to accept life than death, at least to live.

Some things, if you can't grasp them, just let them go, either living or dying.

As my eyes fell on his computer, I pressed the pain in my heart and said, "Fu Shenyan, I don't know why you are so angry with me with a person who is no longer in this world. If you think that I am so fickle in your eyes, then we can divorce. No matter what, the relationship between people will come to an end, and there will be gathering and parting, I don't blame you. I don't blame you

I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't say a word in the end.

The black coat made him more and more indifferent, and his dark eyes, which were rarely emotional, were thin and cool.

He said coldly, "go out!"

He looked at me, a pair of black eyes deep as the deep sea, for a long time, he pulled some dry lips, slender tall body back to the chair.

Fu Shenyan is in such a big mood that he just can't accept that my regret for Gu Han will increase with time.

In my opinion, Gu Han has gone, leaving only guilt and regret.

I twisted my eyebrows, always feel that he is too serious, pressure pressure mood way, "no if!"

"What if I didn't die?" He opened his mouth, the ink color in his eyes was extremely heavy, "if he is alive, would you like to repay him for saving his life?"

I pursed my lips and knew that he was possessive and domineering. After a pause, I said, "no matter what kind you are, Gu Han is dead, isn't he?"

He sneered, "what do you think?"

"Fu Shenyan, are you angry because I can't let him go, or do you think I shouldn't be excited about a dead man?"

I pursed my lips, subconsciously back, but behind is the cold wall, I have no retreat.

Maybe it's something that I've been buried in my heart for so many years. Maybe I think that in this case, it will be possible to separate like this.

We all know each other's helplessness and mustard clearly, and no matter how, we can't understand each other. In this way, separation is the best choice.

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