After listening to me, Lu Xinran's face was stunned and his black eyes darkened. He looked back at Fu Shenyan, pulled his clothes and whispered, "brother Shenyan, I was too headstrong last night to disturb you and sister Shen. Can you let her stay and have breakfast with us? Take it as my apology, OK? "


Two years, I still can't warm a cold stone.

Ha ha!

I don't deserve it!

Listen to a few steps away, I laugh.

He just a few words, such as a basin of cold water towards me tilt down, drench me all over the body with a chill.

After a pause, his thin lips rose, and sarcastically spat out a few words, "you don't deserve it!"

He stopped and looked back at me. His black eyes narrowed slightly and his posture was chilly and shivering. "It's not your turn to talk about the Fu family."

Seeing him walking towards the study, I raised my voice and said, "Fu Shenyan, are you all dispensable except Lu Xinran? What is kinship to you? "

"I've told Chen Yi to do the burial. What other details do you need to communicate with Chen Yi?" He said this without emotion, as if he were telling something unimportant.

I twisted my eyebrows, "Fu Shenyan, he is your grandfather." He is the eldest son of the Fu family. If he is not here at this time, what will the rest of the Fu family think?

Behind him came the sound of Xie Xie Suo, and the sound of the belt zipper, followed by his response without temperature, "you can go there."

Then he took off his clothes as if nothing had happened, and his strong figure was exposed to the air without shelter. Out of instinct, I turned my back to him and said, "today is my grandfather's funeral!"

Fu Shenyan knew that I was following him. His voice was indifferent and said, "what's the matter?"

The bedroom.

This breakfast, no one can eat well, simply eat a few, see Fu Shenyan finish eating upstairs to change clothes, I put down the bowl and chopsticks to follow up.

I lowered my eyes and twisted my brows. Today is my grandfather's funeral. If Fu Shenyan left with Lu Xinran, the Fu family's old house

Cheng Junyu seems to have been used to everything, eating breakfast gracefully and looking at us like an outsider.

"Well!" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth and ate his breakfast elegantly. He always said little, but he seemed to answer every question and answer every request to Lu Xinran.

Then he gave Fu Shenyan another one and said with a smile, "brother Shenyan, you promised to accompany me to see flowers in Nanjiang today. You can't break your appointment."

"Sister Shen, try the eggs fried by brother Shenyan. They are very fragrant. When we were together, he often fried them for me." Lu Xinran said as he put an egg in my bowl.

Fortunately, I ate Fu Shenyan's breakfast for the first time, fried eggs and mung bean porridge. It was ordinary but extraordinary. I always thought that a man like Fu Shenyan was held in the arms of God, and his hand was used to shake the world.

I can't completely refuse Fu Shenyan. People who enter my heart at a glance are hard to put down in this life.

Pulled wipe smile, I nod, "thank you!"

Does it hurt? used to it.

Cold and commanding.

Fu Shenyan was indifferent to my appearance. Seeing Lu Xinran, he looked back at me and said, "eat together!"

Ha ha, sure enough, some people really don't need to work hard. As long as they are coquettish, they can get what others can't.

"I thought you were just thick skinned, but I didn't expect you to be nosy." Laughter came from the side.

I look back, and I don't know when Lu Xinran embraces her hands and leans on the doorframe. The simple and lovely face has disappeared, leaving only the cold.

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