Jon was stunned for a moment, walked over, handed him the bottle in his hand, pursed his lips and coughed. "She should be hungry. Give her something to eat."

Fu Shenyan found a place to sit down, and then the action is very light to feed four seasons.

Although Lu Xinran's affairs are not settled now, Lu Xinran is her daughter after all. I hurt people and made her famous. Would she want to invite me to dinner?

I Leng for a while, not from the mouth, "we?"

Lin Wan?

Chen Xing nodded, but he said steadily, "my mother said that she would like to invite you all to dinner."

Fu Shenyan said, "I'll deal with these things as soon as possible."

Jon was also surprised, but he was silent when he heard Chen Xing's words.

He pursed his lips and said, "Jon and I can't officially adopt her. You are a legal couple. You can go through the formal procedures and adopt her."

I was stunned and couldn't help looking at him.

Several people do down, Chen Xing looked at Fu Shenyan said, "you find time to take four seasons to register."

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

He set the chopsticks, slightly stiff, looked at me and said, "where are you going back?"

"Will you go home for the Spring Festival?" Although the Chen family is not a big family, there is a lot of property. Lin Wan has made a lot of property by getting married. Although the Chen family has Chen Xing, it is estimated that Lin Wan has never thought of handing over nuota's Chen family to him for so many years.

See me see him, I pick eyebrows, "what's the matter?"

At that time, he was full of ruffians, and looked like a second generation of rich people. Almost half a year later, he seemed to have to be silent. Most of the time, he took care of others quietly.

At noon, Chen Xing came back for lunch, and also delivered some fruits. Before the dinner table, I looked at him and felt that he was more and more different from the time I first met him.

He nodded, but there was no objection.

I nodded my head subconsciously, and then I regained my consciousness later. I shook my head and said, "no, I want to ask Jon and Chen Xing. They have taken care of their children for so long. I said I would take them away. I don't care about their feelings. After all, they have feelings."

He looked at me and said seriously, "is that ok?"

Seeing me in a daze, he sighed, "Shanshui Juda, you also have time now, with children, you won't be confused. In addition, I'll find some nannies. When sister-in-law Zhang comes back years later, she has experience in taking children, so you don't have to worry that you won't take them."

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't think of this question. I didn't know how to answer him for a moment.

He hooked his lips and didn't open his mouth. His eyes fell on Siji and his voice was low. "Take her back to Shanshui. Jon and Chen Xing have their own business. Do you plan to let them take care of her all the time?"

"When did you learn it?" I don't seem to know at all.

He looked up at me, eyes color is particularly deep, "you learned when you were pregnant."

Especially for such a small child.

I went to Fu Shenyan and looked at his four seasons with big eyes. I said to Fu Shenyan, "when did you learn to take care of your children?"

Jon looked at it, didn't say anything, just turned and went out.

Usually, the cold man is very different from the man holding the baby to feed. I don't know what to say for a moment. I think the picture is lovely, warm and funny.

Chen Xing nodded, "you go with Fu Shenyan."

I subconsciously look at Fu Shenyan, he nodded, en a, is should be.

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