I Leng Leng, opening a way, "no, thank you for Lin's kindness."

Her face is a little embarrassed, pause and say, "Shen Shu, are you still anxious about the past, you see, it's all over, your mother and daughter are safe, I've been punished, Mo family doesn't accept me, I know that Cheng can only come with me, Jiangcheng, things are all over, we put down the past, we just know that, how good."

She seems to have nothing to do with me now. Although she is angry, she can't do anything to me.

I really feel that she has some inexplicable, "I beg to have to see your parents and you, so please get out of the way."

"I can give up brother Shenyan and not pester him, but you can't appear in front of my parents again, or I'll be dead with you."

What are you going to do to keep me in my way?

I laugh, "Miss Lu, I should ask you this. What are you going to do?"

See I want to go, she blocked in the door, "Shen Shu, what do you want to do?"

I hold the four seasons, did not intend to quarrel with her, after all, with children, if really fight, hurt the child, but I suffer.

She was so angry that she was ready to raise her hand to hit me. She was stopped by me. "Miss Lu is still a little more restrained and has a good hand. You played so badly in the end, so you didn't reflect on why your parents didn't want to see you?"


I was funny. "So, Miss Lu, he is responsible to me. What are you? Love? Since love, why do you disdain to look at it? Where do you think a man who even looks at you is in love with you

She is anxious red eye, "if is not you horizontal interpose a foot, careful speech elder brother will marry you?"? He is only responsible to you. What do you think it is? "

I think her words are a little puzzling, frowning, "Miss Lu, it's yours to keep, but it's not yours if you can't keep it. I'm not interested in your relatives and rooms, so robbing them is disdainful. As for the person you like, please make it clear that he and I are a husband and wife. In this point, I need to rob them?"

"Shen Shu, why do you want to rob everything? The people I like, the relatives I care about, now you want to rob even my room."

When the bedroom door was opened, I pulled down my clothes and found Lu Xinran. When I saw her, her face was as heavy as the ice.

Four seasons finished, then stretched out a small hand around, I look back, see her look at me smile, not from the heart of a warm, holding her kiss.

This is the girl's room. Chen Xing occasionally comes to the pear garden, but it can't be him, let alone Lin Wan. This room is mostly Lu Xinran's.

Four seasons eat happily, I sit on the chair, looking at the room pink noble decoration, not from Leng Leng.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something more, but she looked at me and went out in silence.

Seeing that she was a little pale, I pursed my lips and said, "I'll feed the baby. Please avoid it."

I feel depressed and look up at her. I can't help laughing, "Mr. Lin, if you don't have money, you can earn it again. If you don't have fame, you can recover it. What else can you do to get a person back after you kill him?"

Give me way, she huff out of the bedroom.

Seeing me coming out, Fu Shenyan met me, took the four seasons from me, and said, "what's the matter? I don't look well

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