"You..." Liu Han got up from the ground and rushed to Fu Shenyan.

Chen Yi's eyes are quick and his hands are quick. He puts his foot on Liu Han's calf. He is unstable and falls on his knees.

She was accompanied by two men in black. Obviously, she was brought by force.

Originally an elegant and precious woman, she was brought to a place that was incompatible with her temperament, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

She wore a long dress, elegant atmosphere, high heels were polished particularly bright.

The weather in Jiangcheng is mild. Although it's only January, it's warm and the temperature is not high.

For a moment, the sound of high-heeled shoes came from outside. It was Fu Qingyin who came in.

Chen Yi asked two big men to catch him and said coldly, "who told you it was your family who came here?"

Liu Han thought it was his family. He was angry for a moment. He looked at Fu Shenyan angrily. "Fu Shenyan, you mean person, you said I would not touch my family. You can't believe what you said."

With that, he looked at Fu Shenyan and said, "people have been taken outside!"


He asked someone to move a table and put out the cakes neatly. He looked at me and said, "madam, take your time!"

Fu Shenyan still didn't open his mouth. Chen Yi came in with a bag of juice and Matcha cakes in his hand.

He looked at Fu Shenyan and asked, "Mr. Fu, please do whatever you want to do to me. Please don't hurt my family."

He explained everything he could, "President Fu gave me 300000 yuan, and the money was still in the Royal Blue Ferrari. If it wasn't for the bride price of my daughter-in-law, I would never have done such a thing."

Fu Shenyan doesn't speak. Because Chen Yi is not here, Liu Han worries that Fu Shenyan will use his parents and fiancee to force him.

Liu Han nodded, "no, I don't know who the man waiting in the hotel is. When I sent Miss Shen in, he turned his back to me. He was very tall, about 1.85 meters tall, and his air was very cold."

"No more?" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth and his eyes darkened.

Mr. Fu here is talking about Fu Qingyin.

Liu Han stopped for a moment and continued, "I'm only responsible for taking Miss Shen to the hotel designated by her according to general manager Fu's idea. I don't know what happened later."

Fu Shenyan didn't speak, just looked at him indifferently. Although he didn't say a word, the cold in his cold eyes was enough to kill people.

Liu Han paralysis sitting on the ground, especially embarrassed, raised his eyes to see me, mouth, "I did not touch him, do not believe you can do identification."

Chen Yi was stunned for about two seconds, looked at me a little muddled, then nodded and went out.

Fu Shenyan took a look back at Chen Yi and said, "go and pour a glass of juice for your wife, and make some cakes and tea!"

"Well, I said, what do you want to know, I said!" Liu Han compromised and looked at Fu Shenyan.

Two men look at each other, Fu Shenyan powerful momentum cool looking at Liu Han, without a word he has been better than thousands of troops.

Fu Shenyan coolly looked at him, "I have more despicable, do you believe it?"

Liu Han suddenly struggles from the ground, grabs Chen Yi and looks at Fu Shenyan, "you are mean, surnamed Fu!"

Fu Shenyan looked at him coldly, pursed his lips, and felt cold. After a long time, he looked at Chen Yi and said, "go and invite his parents and fiancee."

Walking in, he found that it was Fu Shenyan. Fu Qingyin turned pale and opened his mouth. "Shenyan, how are you here?"

Fu Shenyan's slender body leans back, leisurely and wantonly, and looks at her with an eyebrow. "Why can't I be here?"

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