Shen Yu drove over and waited for me outside the villa. He drove a very low-key Mercedes Benz.

I get in the car, not from the way, "suddenly so low-key?"

"I know it's not Liu Han's. I want to know who the man in the hotel is. He may have designed the whole thing. Lu Xinran and Fu Qingyin are both pot bearers." There's information coming in from the mobile phone. It's from Han Shuang.

He nodded, "it's not Liu Han's, it's still under investigation!"

"Whatever!" He should be a, I got on the car, looked at him, "test results out?"

Shen Yu looked at me and pursed her lips. "The people you use are just like you. What do you want to eat?"

"No, I have to go back to the country. You can eat. I'll go first." Han Shuang finished, and he left.

Shen Yu shrugged, "thank me for what? In a word, it's getting late. Let's have a meal together. "

Then he looked back and said to Shen Yu, "thank you, Mr. Shen!"

She Leng for a moment, noticed that Shen Yu came back, looked at me and nodded, "well, today's thing, thank you."

"It's a little late today. We'll have dinner together some other day."

He didn't go long, Han Shuang came out, looked at me, just wanted to open his mouth to speak, I stopped.

He looked at me, sighed for a long time and said, "you wait for me here. I'll ask."

I light mouth, "understand, always not even hurt their own people can't know it!"

He pursed his lips and slightly winked, "do you want to check for yourself?"

I look at him, frown, "I'm the client, you can't take?"

He Leng for a moment, opening a way, "come out, but according to the process, the appraisal party will give Fu Shenyan to take."

"Have the results come out?" I opened my mouth and my voice was a little irritated.

I pursed my eyebrows and had a headache. "I always have to try."

After a pause, he said, "you can't find anything from Lu Qi. Don't waste your energy. You may find it from Fu Qingyin."

He pursed his lips, speechless, "yes!"


The police took her into the visitation room. Shen Yu looked at me and said, "did you ask me to be a driver?"

I patted her hand and comforted her, "it's OK. You can just chat and take it as goodbye."

It seems that she is a little nervous. Her nervousness is nothing else, just because she needs to talk with Luqi later.

Han Shuang was waiting at the door. When she saw Shen Yu and me, she was slightly stunned. She pulled me forward and said, "Mr. Shen!"

Police station!

He frowned and nodded, "yes, I'll check!"

This time, these people are coming to Fu Shenyan. Fu Qingyin and Lu Xinran may just be pulled in to block the sword.

"Check it out. I don't know anything about it." Lu Xinran and Fu Qingyin, I can't find any reasonable reason for them to lay such a heavy hand on me.

He frowned, "holiday? Aren't they two brothers? What holiday do you need to check? "

I shrugged, did not say more, looked at him and said, "Fu Shenyan and Cheng Junyu's holiday, can you find out?"

He started the car and said, "it's too ostentatious. It'll cause trouble for the third uncle."

I took a look and closed it.

Shen Yu drove to the city center. It was already dark. "My third uncle and I will go to check this. Don't take these things seriously and take good care of yourself. Jon said that your depression is more serious than before. If you really can't live in Shanshui, you will go back with me and my third uncle. Anyway, I don't like Fu Shenyan. You should be in the Shen family Your eldest lady, I'll support you all my life. "

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