She was stunned for a moment, a little surprised and said, "secretary to the president? Isn't Mr. Fu already helped by Mr. Chen? In addition, it seems that Mr. Fu has never used female secretaries very much. "

I sipped a mouthful of water, and my head was buzzing, "the company is going to expand after the new year. There are some trivial things Chen Yi can't take care of. After all, you've been in Fu's, and you know his temperament. It's more convenient to work with him!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. It took a long time for me to open my mouth. My voice was hoarse, "OK!"

After half a minute's silence, I thought about it and then said, "you'll come back early."

I didn't talk much at first. At this time, he stopped talking. I couldn't find any topic to talk about for a while.

Fu Shenyan


"Uncle San and Shen Yu may not be in Jiangcheng these days. If you have something to call Chen Xing, he will help you."


"I may stay for a few days in M country. You should have a good meal at home. Don't stay up late. Let Jon come with four seasons to accompany you."

I nodded, "Yeah!"

"Yes His voice is dumb, but it's especially nice to listen to, "it doesn't matter if I can't sleep for a while. I'm just fine now. I can chat with you all the time."

I picked up the phone and my voice softened. "I just woke up."

The telephone rang. It was Fu Shenyan.

So it's going to be a long night.

I sit on the bed, the spirit is good, but inevitably some regret, sleep so long, now is the night, continue to sleep is impossible.

Mrs. Zhang was also old and sleepy. She told me to remember to eat and went downstairs.

Just wake up, I can't eat, looked at sister-in-law Zhang, said, "sister-in-law Zhang, you put things here, I will eat, it's late, you go to rest."

After sleeping for a few hours, I felt a little more energetic. Looking at the sky outside, it was already dark, and the clock on the wall pointed out that it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Hearing the movement in the bedroom, she hurried upstairs, brought some food, looked at me and said, "fortunately, you wake up. Are you hungry? My husband called and said that something had delayed me. I knew you were asleep and asked me to wait for you to wake up and have something to eat. "

I didn't wake up until early in the morning. Sister Zhang seemed to be waiting for me to wake up.

I graciously said, sister-in-law Zhang cooked the meal, and I took sleeping pills when I had dinner. When the effect of the meal came, I went straight back to my room.

She nodded, "she should have contacted Gu's family. Gu Han had an assistant named Liu Yue before."

"Will you go to the capital after the Spring Festival?"

She said, "Lu Ke, I've been following her recently. It seems that she hasn't contacted anyone except for being close to Mr. Cheng. But some time ago, she went to the capital. I don't know exactly what to do."

It's complicated how it's done.


Besides, cousin? Don't Fu Er Shu's family have no children?

I can't help frowning, "just make a little trouble?" It has been more than ten years since I was young.

After listening to me, she was stunned. She handed me the sleeping pills and said, "Mr. Cheng and Mr. Fu don't know much about Lu Qi. According to him, Mr. Cheng liked a girl when he was a teenager. That girl was Mr. Fu's cousin. Later, the girl didn't know why she jumped off a building and committed suicide. It's quite far away. There's nothing wrong with the Fu family Nobody mentioned it, so it's been a long time. Mr. Cheng probably didn't let it go, so he wanted to make some trouble for Mr. Fu's work. "

Now that a new year has passed, everything has to start from scratch.

"No!" I've done what I need to do, and I've done what I need to be punished.

She shook her head. "It's not that I don't want to. I work in Mo family. To put it bluntly, I can't even compare with the front desk. It's very lucky for me to be the Secretary of general Fu. But Mr. Shen, the Mo family doesn't need me..."

"It's true that I don't have to worry too much now, but I won't go to Fu's again. I have my own plan. Of course, you can refuse if you don't want to!"

She did not understand, "Mr. Shen, you are not busy in Gu's work now. You can go back to Fu's work directly. Why?"

Originally, there was nothing to say. I looked at the phone and was ready to hang up.

Don't want that end to suddenly say, "remember to miss me!"

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